Support West families during COVID-19 closure
Tax deductible
Washington DC Public Schools will be closed beginning March 16th through the end of the school year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. West Education Campus provides a quality education to students regardless of their socio-economic standing. As a Title 1 School, the majority of our scholars receive breakfast, lunch, and some even dinner at school. The District will be providing meals at multiple locations throughout the city from 10-2p every weekday (see list https://dcps.dc.gov/coronavirus) but we know this is not convenient for many working parents and as a community we want to support each other through this unprecedented time. The West Parent, Staff, Community Organization (PSCO) is raising funds to support the purchase of grocery store gift cards to be distributed by the school administration to those families in need, which we expect to exceed 75 families.
Any donation will help make an impact; thanks in advance for your contribution. Now more than ever, we need to rely on each other. Please share this link with your family, friends, and via social media!!
The West Parent Staff Community Organization (PSCO) is a 501(c)3, and all donations are tax deductible.
Any donation will help make an impact; thanks in advance for your contribution. Now more than ever, we need to rely on each other. Please share this link with your family, friends, and via social media!!
The West Parent Staff Community Organization (PSCO) is a 501(c)3, and all donations are tax deductible.
Erica Peters Mongelli
Washington D.C., DC
John Lewis Parent, Staff & Community Organization