Support Women Leaving Abuse
We could use your help!
Our web app to help women leave abusive relationships is going into Beta and we could use your financial support for us to get there.
Your support will help us with technology, security, beta testing support, as well as adding necessary app features.
To leave abuse requires a change in thinking. Most women attempt to leave 5 times before they are successful.
We include the tools & support needed so women can change their thinking and leave successfully the first time.
The Soft Landing Society App offers:
A Practical & Pragmatic program that guides the user through the 5 Steps of Leaving
Emotional support needed to create change
Videos & Downloadables that support each step in the program
Support groups for the users to have a Community of Support
Soft Landing Society was created by Suzanne Freyjadis & Jenny Vaz as a space for Women to find information about relationships, personal growth & leadership development.
The Society’s first app will help women leave abuse with a structure that women can use at their own speed so they can leave securely & effectively with their futures as secure as possible.
As women who have experienced partner abuse, Jenny & Suzanne both know how scary it can be for women when they leave. Many women need to hide that they have left an abusive partner because of the negative impact on their careers. Women are also often embarrassed that they were with an abusive partner since so many societies still blame the victim.
Suzanne & Jenny have created an app that is secure, supportive & comforting. Women living in abuse deserve as much support as they need so they can leave effectively.