Support Workers On Strike at CornNuts
Donation protected
August 15 2022 cornuts facility went on strike.
Donations will be used to help assist affective employees with mortgage payments.
Over 40+ members of BCTGM Local 85 are on strike at Corn Nuts factory in Fresno, Ca. Corn Nuts is owned by Hormel Foods Inc. This is an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) Strike (to protest an unfair labor practice committed by their employer); as the company changed the working conditions when Hormel bought the plant from Kraft-Heinz. When the purchase became final in June 2021, Hormel imposed a new medical plan without bargaining with the union. The terms they put into place in 2021 changed again in 2022. The medical plan was altered, which increased the workers contribution, again without notifying the workers or the Union. On January 1, 2022 the new medical coverage changes meant increased deductions from the workers’ paychecks, higher deductibles and increased the max out of pocket expenses. As a result of Hormel’s greed we currently have members with medical bills ranging from $3,500-$9,000
When our member approached the HR manager to ask for assistance as to how they could help him pay for the $9,000 bill, her response was; “well
theres nothing I can do but at least you met your max for this calendar year and once you pay the $9,000 you won’t have to pay anything the rest of this year”
Donations to this Strike Fund will go towards helping workers on strike meet the basic needs of living without a paycheck and supporting a family.
We have created this Strike Fund because friends, community members, and fellow union brothers and sisters have asked how they can help the striking Local 85 members at Corn Nuts who are sacrificing their financial well-being to fight a multi billion dollar corporation and for the right to collectively bargain affordable medical coverage.
Supporters have approached us on the picket line. Friends have contacted us via phone, text, and email. Perfect strangers have offered help via social media! We appreciate the outpouring of love and support and assure you that all donations will go towards taking care of striking BCTGM Local 85 members in need.
Alexander Siyavong
Fresno, CA