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Supporting Caoimin Keeshan

Spende geschützt
In the summer of 2024 Caoimin was diagnosed with an extremely aggressive, grade 4 malignant brain tumour. Caoimin has already undergone a gruelling 7-hour brain surgery which successfully removed 80% of the tumour and he is now undergoing 6 weeks of radiation which will be followed by six months of chemotherapy.

Caoimin is a loving husband and a wonderful father to Katie, Daithi and Caoimhe. Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting Caoimin knows that he is a true gentleman, a dedicated family man and an avid supporter of all things Irish.

Due to circumstances beyond the family’s control, they must privately fund all his treatment. We would like to raise funds that will help to offset this enormous financial burden.

If you can help with a donation and by sharing this via social media, it would be greatly appreciated by Caoimin and his family.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Aidan Connolly
Caoimin Keeshan

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt