Supporting Furloughed Bar Nine Employees
Like many businesses, restaurants, and cafes, we are facing new and unprecedented challenges to work to keep our business solvent and our team taken care of. Due to the shut down of our cafe, we are unable to offer hours for the majority of our team. We are kindly asking your support to help out our hourly team members who are unable to work at this time.
The restaurant industry operates on razor thin margins. No one in this industry is sitting on enough reserves to weather full shut downs, or support their team to the degree they need to, particularly if they focus on specialty, are independent, or do things such as Farm to Table and other highly specialized and localized means of delivering nourishment and hospitality to guests. We cannot solve the impact on our vendors, the ability to support local farmers, and other serious issues the COVID-19 outbreak is causing, but we want to do what we can for the time being to support our team members who are unable to collect a paycheck as a result.
In our business, we believe in giving with no expectation of return. In these extraordinary circumstances, we are asking for your support for us to ease some of the pain our incredible team is experiencing right now.