Supporting Kou Tong's Recovery
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Please consider giving to help Kou Tong. Kou Tong is a bright young woman from China that has been pursuing a PhD at the Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee.
On May 23, 2021 she was riding her bike when she was hit by a car and was seriously injured. In order for her to recover to the point where she can continue her studies and support her family back in China, she must undergo long-term intensive physical therapy. Unfortunately, her insurance will only cover her physical therapy for a short time and that time will soon expire and she still has a long road back to health.
Would you consider giving so that Kou Tong can continue her physical therapy and return to a life full of promise and caring for her family?
Her Story Before Her Injury
KouTong grew up as an only child in China. In her mother’s words “we held her in both hands from childhood as she grew into adulthood, careful to protect her, diligent to nurture her.”
As she emerged from childhood she was accepted into the University of Bristol in England where she earned her degree and continued her postgraduate studies.
She came to Knoxville, TN to study at the University of Tennessee’s Haslam College of Business to attain a PhD in Economics.
The Story of Her Injury
On May 23rd, 2021, KouTong was riding her bike , when was hit by a car that resulted in her being seriously injured. She then spent the next 5 months at the University of Tennessee Medical Center recovering from life threatening injuries. While at the UT Medical Center she underwent numerous surgeries. After many of her surgeries, she suffered from complications, which resulted in both physical and mental suffering.
Finally on October 14th 2021, she was taken to the Atlanta Rehabilitation Center, where she has thankfully made good progress.
Unfortunately, the insurance coverage will not be sufficient to cover her rehabilitation and she has no other funds to defray these costs. The burden for caring for KouTong’s medical needs rests solely on her parents, who have both come to America because of the amount of constant care their daughter currently requires.
Betsy Barr
Knoxville, TN