Supporting our friend Tony Pellicano
Donation protected
Dear friends,
Chandeshwari and Shanta here,
We wanted to give you an update on Tony.
We all remember Tony as this vigorous, fabulous sevite who would so willingly help give a hand in whatever way was needed for so many years. Nearly a decade ago he was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive strain of Multiple Sclerosis. After a number of years taking care of his father and uncle in New Jersey, Tony moved back upstate to the community once his father and uncle passed away several years ago. A small group of us began bringing meals and shopping for him during Covid. As his abilities began to decline, particularly during the last 6 months, this group began doing more and more for Tony including prepare all his food and help him move into new housing twice because he doesn't have the dexterity to chop and prep food or drive. Now his need for daily care has reached a point where he no longer can live on his own. He has been unable to work for a number of years now. So he is not only physically dependent on others but will also need help with his medical expenses. We have applied to every possible state and federal service for people with disabilities and other programs. However due to Covid every agency is backlogged by many months. It's now reached a point where we need to bring in the extended village. Whatever you can offer, nothing is too small, all is in support of taking care of this dear friend, and would be very much appreciated.
Mary Chandesh Adams
Bradley, NY