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Support Investigative Journalism

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My name is Gabrielle Canon and I am a freelance journalist who needs your help.

News cycles move quickly and often newsrooms must move with them. I set off on my own so that I could take the time needed to go deep on issues that matter. I aim to highlight voices that typically go unheard and expose systemic problems while focusing on solutions. But I can't do it without your support. 

If you are tired of clickbait and shallow news and you want to do something to sustain investigative journalism please consider throwing me a few bucks. Your money will go toward travel costs and the upfront expenses I don't recoup if I am paid for my work when an article is published. 

If you want to stay posted about what I am working on you can sign up for my newsletter at www.gabriellecanon.com

Even if you are unable to contribute, thank you for reading and thank you for sharing!


Gabby Canon
Oakland, CA

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