Rebuilding after Devastating Fires
UDATE: Late update but, the house caught on fire on Friday night at 3:00am for another fire. The fires are now being investigated as possible arson/someone set the fires. There was apparently a truck and people there around 2:30am the night of the second fire but, it was thought to be one of the family members still going through what was there like they had been all day. That fire took everything that was left. There is nothing, this family has nothing. A big huge thanks goes out to everyone who has supported us with kind words, donatations and support. It is truly amazing!! Would also like to thank everyone who has come out with their insurance stories that are similar to theirs, it gives them hope that even though they have a LONG road and possibly years of fighting ahead of them, something can and will be done!
At 3:00 am on March 11th, 2016 the Stewart family lost everything. Their worst nightmare happened.. our house caught on fire. Sharon and Kristin were sleeping and Andy was working. Sharon woke up to the smell of smoke, so she went out and the whole house was full of smoke, she ran down the hall to wake Kristin up. They dialed 911 then the Saugeen Shores Police dispatch to get a hold of Andy who was then told his house was on fire. Sharon and Kristin then went on to trying to save their beloved pets, they some how managed to save a cat, chinchilla and Kristins Snake. They did however, lose their beloved 3 dogs Cheeko, Peanut and Jada and their other beloved cat, Yogi. They tried for as long as they could to find them before the smoke got so thick they couldn't see anything and the flames moved from the garage to the house.
Sharon, Andy and Kristin lost eveything. The house is a write off.
Just when they thought things can't get any worse, the insurance company has denied the claim and will NOT cover anything. There has been miscommunication between the family, broker and company and they have denied the claim saying that the insurace was cancelled. They did not notify the family and they were unaware that the insurance was cancelled up until Friday, March 11th.
This is why they are turning to the community for help. They are homeless and have nothing. A huge thank you goes to everyone who is being so supportive, the Saugeen Shores Police Association, Terry Varga, friends, and family.
They are going for a long shot and hoping for a miracle.. every dollar, every cent counts. They have a goal to be able to rebuild a new house/home. They hate asking for help but, they truly need it in this hard time.