Surgery to remove a growing jaw cyst
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Szymon (24). A few months ago, I self-funded the surgery to remove a growing jaw cyst that was severely affecting my life. However, now, after a few months, the cyst has come back and is affecting my health once again.
I am aiming to raise money to help fund a proper surgery in Poland (my home country) to remove the cyst once and for all. The longer it takes, the bigger it grows and can damage more teeth and bone. And the risk of it becoming cancerous also increases with time.
The first time, I waited for half a year for the NHS process, until I could not take it anymore and went private.
The cyst was initially caused by an infection that got in through a microfracture in my tooth (likely caused by some impact in the past). My dental health is on point, and as the dentist put it, "I got unlucky" with the situation.
The cyst was removed by the dentist through the hole that was left when the causal tooth (beyond saving due to internal damage) was removed. However, by that time the cyst has grown quite large and extraction was difficult. I was given a 50/50 chance for the cyst to come back.
The picture above shows the cust after the first removal. Nasty.
However, in the months that followed, I felt great. Until recently when I began to have similar symptoms to before. A 3D scan showed the cyst has returned. Possibly from the neighboring tooth which was slightly affected previously. All it takes is a tiny amount of unremoved cyst for it to return.
In this scan above, you can see the area the cyst takes up. On a more positive note, the rest of the area below the cyst is healing very well and is solid bone. However, the cyst is on top of it and the concern is it will push into that healed area.
The Goal
I do not intend to wait as long as before. I was referred to the NHS, but from my previous experience, I do not want to wait until things get much worse and I potentially lose more teeth or the cyst becomes cancerous. It is very much urgent.
I have consulted with various specialist surgeons in Poland and have a few options. They would root canal the nearby affected tooth and then remove the affected tip along with the cyst and use a bone graft to help the bone heal in the area. There is no better alternative currently.
The surgery would cost approximately £2,000 and would take place on March 24 (first part) and March 28 (second part). I will pay as much as I can for it myself (The reason I set the goal lower than the amount). I do not like having to ask for money, as there are people in far more serious situations. However, the current situation does not give me many options, and I do not want to end up in a more serious situation.
I sincerely thank you for any support. Please message me if you have any questions or want further details. I will provide updates on the situation.
Szymon Stanek