Survive and Rebuild our Lives Amidst the War on Gaza.
Donation protected
Hi all,
My name is Makayla and I currently live in NYC. With the aid blockade in Rafah and the destruction of all their savings due to the war, my good friend Sara and her husband from Gaza are trying to raise money to survive this new phase of violence and rebuild their lives once the war ends. Given its geographic location and GoFundMe restrictions, I'm stepping in to help launch this campaign. All donations will go directly to Sara's husband, Muhammad Suleiman, via Western Union - a money transfer service that still operates within Gaza. Please support if you can, any amount, no matter how small, can help Muhammad and his family survive this latest escalation and thereafter.
Below is the story of Mohammed Suleiman:
Mohammed soliman is a bodybuilding and fitness coach.

Hello, my name is Mohammed, from northern Gaza. I am married and the father of a two-year-old son named Samih and a four-year-old daughter named Masa. I used to live happily with my family and practice my work in the field of training with all passion and love. I had wonderful friends and a beautiful life.
Suddenly, with the outbreak of war, life turned into a real tragedy, and all circumstances changed for the worse. I faced difficulties that the human mind could not imagine or bear. The neighborhood in which I live was subjected to violent air and ground bombardment. This incident led to the destruction of most of the homes of my family members, and some of them miraculously emerged from under the rubble. This incident also resulted in the death of my cousin, and caused great damage to our family home in which I live, resulting in the first of five displacements.
We have faced a lot of suffering there, and we are still suffering to this moment from a lack of food, potable water, stable internet, electricity, and all other necessities of life. Due to these circumstances, I lost 30 kg of weight due to malnutrition. My children, wife, and I were exposed more than once to trauma and stomach pain due to polluted water and a lot of suffering.
In the wake of this tragedy and with the continuation of the war and aggression against my city of Gaza, my only source of livelihood and my life’s dream (the Golden Gym) were subjected to aerial bombardment by planes, and with it my dreams and ambitions that I had always strived to achieve in my sports field in bodybuilding were destroyed, knowing that this is not the first time that My workplace is being destroyed. It was destroyed before that in the year 2014, and we were not compensated for the damage by any party. I now rely on the aid of our supporters from around the world to provide the basic necessities to my family. Also, the biggest challenge that looms on the horizon is how I will start my life from scratch after that.
This fundraiser aims to support me in rebuilding my shattered life. Your donations will go towards meeting our most basic needs to survive this war and then restoring my shattered house and business, so that I can provide a suitable life for my family. Additionally, your generosity will help overcome the loss of my bodybuilding career, offering a ray of hope in the face of challenges. Let's come together to help me and my family. Your donations will not only help rebuild our home and workplace but also provide the emotional support necessary to restore the parts of our lives that have been shattered by war.
أ #ٮا محمد سل ,ٮمان لاعب ومدرب كمال أ 7حسام ول ,ٮا <ڡة 7ٮد #ٮ ,ٮة .
مرح 6ٮاً، إسم =ى محمد، من شمال 0عزة ،م ,ٮزوج وأب لط 0ڡل ٮ. 6ٮلغ من العمر س 0ٮ ,ٮ .ٮن وإسمه )سميح(، ك 0ٮت أع .ٮش سع .ٮداً مع عائلتي وأمارس عملي 0ڡ =ى م 6حال ال ,ٮدريب 6ٮكل ش cعف وحب ولدي أصد ,ڡاء رائع .ٮن وح .ٮاة 6حم .ٮلة و 0ڡ 6حأة ومع د 0حول الحرب إ 0ٮ ,ڡل 6ٮت الح .ٮاة إلى م أ س ا ة ح ,ڡ .ٮ ,ڡ .ٮ ة و ٮ , cع .ٮ ر ت ك ل ا ل 0ط ر و ف للأسوأ 0ڡ ,ڡد وا 6حهت صعو 6ٮات لا ٮ.مكن للع ,ڡل ال 6ٮشري ٮ,صورها ولا ٮ,حملها ل ,ڡد ٮ,عرض الح =ى الذي أسكن 0ڡ .ٮه لل ,ڡصف ال 6حوي وال 6ٮري الع 0ٮ .ٮف و ,ڡد أدى هذا الحادث لدمار مع 0طم 6ٮيوت أ 0ڡراد عائلتي و 0حروج 6ٮعضهم 6ٮأع 6حو 6ٮة من ٮ,حت الأ 0ٮ ,ڡاض و ,ڡد أودت هذه الحادٮة أٮ.ضاً 6ٮو 0ڡاة إ 6ٮن عم =ى وإلحاق ضررك6ٮ .ٮر 0ڡ =ىم6ٮا0ٮ =ىالح =ىوإلحاقضرر ك 6ٮ .ٮر 0ڡ =ى م 0ٮزل العائلة الذي أسكن 0ڡ .ٮه والذي أص 6ٮح من الصعب الع .ٮش 0ڡ .ٮه 6ٮس 6ٮب إ 0ٮ ,ڡطاع س 6ٮل الح .ٮاة من ماء وكهر6ٮاءووسائلإٮ,صالوالذي 6حعل0ٮا م 6ح 6ٮرين لل 0حروج من م 0ٮازل 0ٮا إلى م 0ٮاطق أ 0حرى 6ح 0ٮوب ال ,ڡطاع أ ,ڡل 0حطر ولك 0ٮها ٮ, 0ڡ ,ٮ ,ڡر لأد 0ٮى م ,ڡومات الح .ٮاة و ,ڡدوا 6حه0ٮا 0ڡ .ٮهاالك ٮ .ٮرالك ٮ .ٮرمن المعا 0ٮاة وما زل 0ٮا 0ٮعا 0ٮ =ى حتى هذه اللح 0طةمن 0ٮ ,ڡص 0ڡ =ىال cعذاءو0ٮ ,ڡص 0ڡ =ى الم .ٮاه الصالحة للشرب والم .ٮاه الم 0حصصة للإس ,ٮعمال ال .ٮوم =ى وا 0ٮعدام الاٮ,صال والكهر 6ٮاء وم 6حمل
الم 0حصصة للإس ,ٮعمال ال .ٮوم =ى
وا 0ٮعدام الاٮ,صال والكهر 6ٮاء وم 6حمل م ,ڡومات الح .ٮاة ول ,ڡد 0حسرت 6ٮس 6ٮب هذهال 0طروف30ك 6حممنوز0ٮ =ى 6ٮس 6ٮب سوء ال ,ٮ cعذٮ.ة وٮ,عرضت أك ٮر من مرةللمرضوألام 0ڡ =ىالمعدة 6ٮس6ٮب ا ل م .ٮ ا ه ا ل م ل و ٮ ة و ا ل ك ٮ .ٮ ر م ن ا ل م ع ا 0ٮ ا ة 0ڡ =ى أع ,ڡاب هذه المأساة ومع إس ,ٮمرار الحربوالعدوانعلىمدٮ.0ٮتي 0عزة ٮ,عرض مصدر رزڡ, =ى الوح .ٮد وحلم ح .ٮ ا ,ٮ =ى ) 6ح و ل د ن 6ح .ٮ م ( ل ل ,ڡ ص ف ا ل 6ح و ي من ,ڡ6ٮلالطائراتوٮ,حطمتمعه أحلام =ى وطموحا ,ٮ =ى التي لطالما سع .ٮت 6ح ا ه د ا ً ل ,ٮ ح ,ڡ .ٮ ,ڡ ه ا 0ڡ =ى م 6ح ا ل =ى ا ل ر ي ا ضي 0ڡ =ى رياضة كمال الأ 6حسام ومع العلم أن هذه ل .ٮست المرة الأولى التي ٮ. ,ٮم 0ڡ .ٮها ٮ,دم .ٮر مكان عملي 0ڡ ,ڡد ٮ,م ٮ,دم .ٮره ,ڡ 6ٮل ذلك 0ڡ =ىس0ٮة٢٠١٤ولمٮ.,ٮمٮ,عويض0ٮا 6ٮالضررمنأي 6حهةكا0ٮتوأ0ٮاالآن أوا 6حه ٮ,حدٮ.ات ك 6ٮ .ٮرة 0ڡ =ى ٮ,و 0ڡ .ٮر ل ,ڡمة الع .ٮش لعائلتي ولإعادة 6ٮ 0ٮاء ح .ٮا ,ٮ =ى من 6حدٮ.د وأٮ.ضاً ال ,ٮحدي الأك 6ٮر الذي ٮ.لوح 6ٮ ا لأ 0ڡ ق ه و ك .ٮ ف س أ 6ٮ د أ ح .ٮ ا ,ٮ =ى م ن الص 0ڡر 6ٮعد ذلك ٮ,هدف حملة ال ,ٮمويل هذهإلىدعم =ى 0ڡ =ىإعادة 6ٮ0ٮاءح.ٮا,ٮ =ى المحطمة. س ,ٮذهب ٮ, 6ٮرعاٮ,كم 0ٮحو إعادة ٮ,رم .ٮم م 0ٮزل =ى المحطم و إعادة 0ڡ ,ٮح مشروع =ى ومصدر رزڡ, =ى الوح .ٮد الذي ٮ,م ٮ,دم .ٮره 6ٮس 6ٮب الحرب لك =ى أٮ,مكن من ٮ,و 0ڡ .ٮر ح .ٮاة م 0ٮاس 6ٮة لعائلتي . 6ٮالإضا 0ڡة إلى ذلك، س .ٮساعد كرمكم 0ڡ =ى ال ,ٮ cعلب على 0ڡ ,ڡدان مس .ٮر ,ٮ =ى 0ڡ =ى كمال الأ 6حسام، مما ٮ. ,ڡدم شعا ًعا من الأمل 0ڡ =ى و 6حه ال ,ٮحدٮ.ات.
ل #ٮ <ٮحد م ًعا ل #ٮ <ڡدم ٮ,د المساعدة ل Eى ولعائلتي. ٮ< 7ٮرعاٮ<كم لن ٮ<ساعد #ڡ <ڡط #ڡ Eى إعادة 7ٮ #ٮاء م #ٮزل #ٮا ومكان عمل #ٮا ولكن
لن ٮ<ساعد #ڡ <ڡط #ڡ Eى إعادة 7ٮ #ٮاء م #ٮزل #ٮا ومكان عمل #ٮا ولكن أٮ, ًضا #ڡ Eى ٮ< <ڡدٮ,م الدعم العاط #ڡ Eى الضروري ل <ٮرم ,ٮم أ 7حزاء ح ,ٮاٮ< #ٮا التى حطم <ٮها الحرب.
Makayla Gubbay
New York, NY