Swammie Shuffle (222 Miler) - Child Mind Institute
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Dear Friends & Family!
On Sunday, February 25th I will be participating in the Swammie Shuffle 200 - This event is a 222-mile foot race that goes back-and-forth from Sandbridge, Virginia Beach to Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in North Carolina!
The length of this race is far beyond any distance I’ve ever attempted in the past, and yet I feel optimistic, excited and grateful to go on this journey. But, most importantly, I’d love to also raise awareness and funds for an incredible non-profit called CHILD MIND INSTITUTE (CMI).
CMI is the leading independent nonprofit in children's mental health, and are dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. They are delivering educational resources to millions of families each year, training educators in underserved communities, and developing tomorrow’s breakthrough treatments.
This cause is important to me because I’ve battled depression, and can empathize with those who struggle to find the courage and resources needed to improve their own life. Five years ago, I unwittingly signed up, (under)trained, and suffered through a marathon – But to my surprise after months of training, I experienced the mundane exercise of 'running' morph into a new effective form of mindfulness, therapy and empowerment I could rely on. The progress and passion I found in this silly little hobby, led to changes in my routines and perceptions, which ultimately helped me improve other areas in my life.
I write these words not as a victim, nor as a role model, but as a friend hoping to remind you of the importance of caring for yourself and your kin – therapies, resources, hobbies, unique experiences and friends are here to help you navigate the journey of life which is a whole lot longer than 222 miles - So dream big, act bold, stay committed, lean on your loved ones, and never ever let the world trick you into believing you don’t belong.
Full heart for my close friends and family who have been with me through the years… Now, let’s get after it ❤️
Brennan Thomas
Flourtown, PA
Child Mind Institute, Inc.