Mutual Aid Fund for Sex Workers of Color
My name is Venus. I am from Brooklyn, NY. I am a Long time community member, organizer, and nightlife personality. I am raising funds to aid Sex Workers of Color during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds are being distributed as stipends to those in need. This fund is also for supplies SW need during this time. Below will explain why I am doing this and why this work is so important to me.
Although income for millions of Americans disappeared over night, bills for rent, electricity, gas, all insurance, phone, childcare expenses, family members, are still expected to continually be paid. Sex workers are not an exception to this rule. With most businesses closed and sex workers not being eligible for any kind of unemployment or federal relief, a lot of sex workers have a tough decision to make. Continue to work and risk contracting COVID-19 or stop working and face possible homelessness when eviction proceedings begin again while not being able to afford food or any other necessities. What Sex Workers are now facing is literally a life or death situation without any relief in sight.
Black sex workers, Sex workers of color , and Trans Sex workers of color now face unique challenges during this pandemic. The intersection of being any of the named above means many face violence from police, racism, and risk of violence from clients who know workers are desperate to feed themselves and their families. They all also face higher risk of losing housing due to discrimination. Because of the violence and rapes most sex workers of color face from police, they are less likely to contact police when physically assaulted by a client. Include being a person who is homeless or disabled and they also have an added layer of possible violence and added discrimination.
This is a mutual aid fund to help support Sex Workers of Color who are outside workers (street based) based in NY. I am eager to help those who are impacted the hardest during this time and there is no better time than now. Priority goes to Black workers based in New York. If you need help, please DM me on Twitter or IG from your SW account. No longer accepting emails.