Swim for Richard Kleinman: Fight Pancreatic Cancer
Tax deductible
Catalina Island Swim Club is sponsoring the 8th Annual swim for Pancreatic Cancer on Saturday, Sept. 21 at 7:00 am. The swim was started because one of our local, beloved nurses, Richard Kleinman, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He survived 3 more years. Please meet at 6:45 at the base of the Casino building for a group photo. We do a 2 mile swim to Frog Rock and back. There’s no commitment to do the whole thing. It is followed by a pot luck breakfast . We are collecting $40 per swimmer and, of course, all donations are welcome!
One down and see us!
All proceeds go directly to PanCan.
Claudia Canby
Avalon, CA
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network