Syasia McBurroughs is our one and only child that was innocently and brutally stabbed to death last Saturday, November 5, 2016
in Newark, NJ by a heartless stoned cold blooded monstrous killer. She was as sweet and gentle as a lamb and never caused harm to a soul. She loved everyone and was loved by everyone. She especially loved children while her goal was to graduate college and teach youngsters. She was very vibrant, strong, independent and ambitious as she was attending college as well as working two jobs up until her untimely death. This is extremely painful and difficult for both her mother and I to have to endure the loss of our young child while she was at the prime of her life. We're humbly asking you all to make any kind of financial pledges to assist us with the burdens of her burial expenses including head stone, student loans and all other debts. We truly thank you in advance for your financial contributions, assistance and support.
Please share this with your friends and family. God bless you and thank you in advance.