My name is Gabriela Rodriguez and I am raising money for Sydney’s car, which was slashed on all 4 tires the day before our downtown Protest in Martinez, California. She had BLM posters and “Defund The Police” posters up in her car. A man was caught on security video footage taking pictures of her car, possibly sending them to other people and then taking a knife to her tires. He then got in his car (in video) and drove away. There was also significant damage to the driver’s side exterior body. We found a shovel in a bush that had red scuff marks and fit the dents. We think someone else (possibly in contact with first attacker) made the second damage. Sydney could really use the help and support to fix her car. Her car was vandalized out of hate because white people in Amerikkka think it’s obscene for other people to believe in justice and peace for Black Americans.