Sylheti Language Teaching - Donations
Join any of our free, online Sylheti language learning groups.
Let us know which mailing list(s) you would like to be added to by emailing
sylhetiproject -at- soas -dot- ac -dot- uk
sylhetiproject.soas -at- gmail -dot- com
All lessons are free! We accept voluntary donations!
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These GoFundMe donations are paid to the SOAS Students' Union (a registered charity) which then pays our native Sylheti speakers directly, to ethically compensate them for the time they dedicate to teaching and to helping us advance our lesson materials.
Every donation helps, even if it's only £5, to show that our lessons are making an appreciated impact in people's lives! Thank you in advance for your contributions.
ꠛꠃꠔ ꠡꠥꠇꠞꠤꠀ, ꠗꠁꠘ꠆ꠘꠛꠣꠖ
bout shukria, doinnobad
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The Students' Union of SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London), will seek at all times to:
ensure that the diversity of its membership is recognised and that equal access is available to all members of whatever origin or orientation;
pursue its aims and objectives independent of any political party or religious group;
and pursue equal opportunities by taking positive action within the law to facilitate participation of groups discriminated against by society.
Fundraising team (2)

Sylheti Project SOAS in Camden
SOAS Students' Union
SylhetiProject .SOAS
Team member