Sympathetic Ear Animal Rescue is receiving record amounts of calls daily for help with , abandoned and neglected animals like Mamma Miah and her kittens pictured above. Help the rescue raise funds to pay outstanding vet bills of over
$16,000.00 (mounting everyday). The rescue operates out of homes and has surpassed the capacity of housing sick, injured and abandoned animals. We work with several feral colonies where we trap spay/neuter these cats and rehabilitate them and find them new homes. In the winter we cannot release these ferals back to their colony right away as they require time to heal and for their fur on their bellies to grow back. We need a warm place to do that. Building a work shop with storage space and heat will be ideal. We help any animals in need. The rescue has been called for fish left in apartments to horses needing new owners. We try not to turn any animal in need away but due to lack of space we have had to refuse some animals. Due to this we have had animals left at our houses and in our colonies. These animals are put at risk and do not deserve to be dumped. We have had many animals come through our doors that require costly medical care; Lucy a 5 week old kitten (white kitten in picture) was flea ridden, had an eye inury and on deaths door. She required weeks of antibiotics, medical attention and surgery for her eye. Mookie was a 10 year old cat surrendered to the rescue, she needed a costly surgery to remove a tumor from her. Miracle was a 6 month old cat found at a construction site doused in gasoline and had a broken leg, she needed her rear left leg amputated. Jake was a 2 year old pitbull found tattered from a fight. He needed stitches and months of rehabilitation to heal physically and emotionally. Just some of the cases we have seen and all of these animals needed our help because another human had let them down. What isn't fundraised often comes from our own pockets to pay for what we need. All donations will help the rescue pay vet bills and build a workshop to continue our work.