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Stevie’s Funeral Expenses

Spende geschützt
Hey there!

I truly wish I weren’t even creating this page, but I love my nephew too much to not do so. Plus that brat knows I would go to the ends of the earth for him, whether he is here in this physical world or not. ♥️

My name is Alicia and I’m creating this GoFundMe on behalf of one of my favorite people that I’ve had the privilege of loving in this lifetime. I’m sure that anyone who knew my nephew would agree.

Steven Quentin Marcus Allen was 22 years old and lost his life tragically and unexpectedly due to suicide. This horrible and life altering event took place on October 24th and he made his way into the arms of Jesus on October 31st.

We cannot count the number of people who have already supported us through this journey, even if it was simply by praying! Sometimes the prayers are what truly gets us through the most.

Unfortunately, Stevie did not have any type of insurance that covered the cost of funeral expenses. We are very appreciative of any and all donations, big or small, and we know he would be greatly appreciative also. He would probably also want you to add on an extra $150 for a new pair of Air Jordans. Just kidding! There was not a selfish bone in his body and anyone can attest to that. Any leftover funds will be used for travel expenses for his loved ones.

Mental illness is real and doesn’t discriminate. As saddened and devastated as we are to no longer have his presence here on earth, we are trying to rest in the fact of knowing his sadness and pain are now non-existent.

Our entire family and all of his loved ones, near and far, are so grateful for your help and could never thank you enough! ♥️


  • Amy Bowers
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $20 
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $10 
    • 2 yrs
  • Sarah Sikora
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs
  • Alicia Wolfe-Cool
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs


Alicia Long
Cumberland, MD

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