Deliver freshly cooked meals to liberated Ukraine
Tax deductible
Since the war began, In God's Hand has provided hundreds of internally displaced Ukrainians residing in Chernivtsi with daily warm meals, clothing, and assistance with finding shelter. We have leveraged the enduring support of the network of Pentecostal churches across Europe and the USA, contributions from a number of NGOs, and donations from individuals like yourselves.
The recently liberated communities of eastern Ukraine are now in desperate need of food, clothing, and other material support. We have partnered with the head pastor of a church in Kharkiv who has a network of over 1,500 villages he supports across the East of the country. We spent much of last week in the Kharkiv area, the newly liberated villages to the south, distributing over 3 tons of food packages and discussing the details for opening the kitchen.
To sustain our expanded commitment, we must procure another van for transporting materials from Romania. We have identified prospective vehicles here in Suceava, Romania, where our base is located. This van will support resupply to Chernivtsi as well as the needs of Kharkiv. In addition, we will purchase the initial 1,000 food packages. We should be able to secure a van and the initial food packages for $15,000.
Please help us to locate and support a tent kitchen in Kharkiv that will provide the community with the means to gather and support each other over a shared meal. This ritual of mutual support has helped sustain the community here in Chernivtsi, creating a base for identifying and addressing the other needs of its members.
We staff our tent kitchen in Chernivtsi with individuals from the community of displaced people we support, providing them with regular income and help with accommodations. We procure food and materials supporting our work from the local community. Much of the non-perishable food is donated by local institutions and individuals.
We currently serve over 2,500 meals a week at an average cost per meal of around $1.50. Our largest direct expense is monthly payroll of around $1,500 a month to kitchen staff, and another $1,000 per month for gas for our kitchen, perishable food items, and petrol for transporting materials from Romania to Ukraine on a weekly basis.
Your funds will be directed to In God's Hand, a 501 c3, Tax ID: 87-4836298.
Valentin Gradinariu
In God's Hand
5130 East Wallace Avenue
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
They will then be forwarded to their Director of Romanian Operations, Petru Gradinariu, who will make the purchase locally and who manages all aspects of In God's Hand's operations in Romania and within Ukraine.
Petru Gradinariu
Str. Ruteana nr
Ipotesti, Suceava 727325
Valentin Gradinariu
Scottsdale, AZ
in Gods Hand