I’m about to be evicted because of Covid-19
Hi Everyone, my name is Brenda Nanomantube and I’m an out of work bartender facing eviction due to Covid-19.
Never in a million years would I have guessed I would be starting a GoFundMe page for myself. However, on March 15th I closed The Buccaneer Lounge on orders from the Governor and my last shift at Gem City Grill was a few days prior to that.
Although, I’m collecting unemployment which is also almost depleted, it has not and does not make up for the loss of income I’m experiencing due to the shut down in CA. My 13 week extension runs out in four wks.
I am doing everything I can to make extra money to try and make ends meet. Selling my artwork, selling personal items on EBay and taking any odds and end jobs that come my way. Such as relining a lamp shade for a woman.
It’s to the point now where I’m months behind on rent and utilities and facing eviction when the rent moratorium is lifted at the end of this month.
Not only will this leave me homeless, but I
also take my 7 year old grandson Malikye during the weekdays so he can do his distant learning from my home while my daughter Erika does her online college classes and works from home at her house during the same hours.
Erika is in her senior year at Cal Poly Pomona getting her BA. She literally has one semester left. She’s been attending college for the last seven years as a single mom, with a full time class schedule and a job. So I have been her support system, taking both Malikye and Robert consistently over nights, during the days whenever I can to allow her time to do homework and be able to pass these classes and create a better life for her and the boys.
I’ve reached out to every resource I can think of, I have applied and been denied for rental assistance. I just don’t know where else to turn.
So I’m swallowing my pride and humbly asking you all for any support and/or donations you can give. Even if it’s just sharing my link on your social media.
Thank you and God Bless, stay safe out there.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Brenda Nanomantube