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Asian Community Safety Fund

Tax deductible

若想要改變目前敗壞的治安, 請支持TACF。 不論是 一塊 五塊 或是十塊。 您所捐出的錢將全數投入各項社區安全活動和自身防護教育裡, 我們的社區需要您, TACF 需要您!

您認同TACF嗎?TACF成立了九個月了,在會長Chuck Sun的領導下的我們做了很多事。2021年,TACF為社區完成了 許多項目,例如:
争取44個攝相頭放在主要街區,六月警民大會, 捐警方車輛刻字器材, 哈崗學區遊民中心案, 社區守望相助會議等等。希望您抽空看看我們的網站,瞭解TACF做了什麼。第一年我們的經費大部分是來自熱心的理事。第二年我們需要大家的支持,草根組織希望經費也來自草根,那怕只有五元、十元。gofundme捐款活動需要您,TACF謝謝您捐的善款表示支持、認同社區安全人人有責的理念。為了我們共同的家園, TACF需要您的幫忙。

1. 商家聯防同盟
2. 警民鄰里治安大會
3. 婦女/長者防身課程
4. 警察局寒冬送暖

***When you enter the donation page, the "default 15% tip" at the bottom is paid directly to the GoFundMe platform, it's not charged by us and not mandatory. Feel free and move the green dot to 0% if you do not wish to pay additional tips ***

Do you agree with TACF's missions? TACF is 9 months old, led by Chuck Sun, our President. We have accomplished a lot in such a short period. Hope you will take some time and visit our website to review what we have done for our community and its residents. 

Our first-year expenses are mostly borne by our Board Members who spend time and money to make things happen for our community. We are truly in need of your participation and donation when we move into Year Two. There is much more to be done and our plans need funding. We need the grassroots support of our members, even for $5, $10. Every dollar will be put back into working for the safety of our community.

Community safety is everybody's business and responsibility.


Recognizing the worsening safety problems, long-time friends Alice and Chuck, realized they could wait no longer to promote safety awareness in our local Asian community.  If not us, then who? If not now, then when? That is how the Together Against Crime Foundation (TACF) was born.
Since its inception in March 2021, residents throughout many communities have joined TACF who have taken actions beyond words to stay closely connected and built strong relationships with Sheriffs.  In November, TACF visited the Walnut Sheriff's department and brought an Asian dinner for the late shift officers, to show our appreciation and support.  
In December, TACF found out from news reports that two residents had fallen victim to a robbery; one of them even sustained injuries. But there were no arrests since.  TACF Board President, Chuck, and Arlene/Melissa (Board Directors) discussed and took action to help the victims. We immediately provided comfort to them and started to inquire about the case developments from the Sheriff. Consequently, a meeting between victims and Sheriffs was held and additional details were provided by victims hoping to help a breakthrough in the cases.
TACF works tirelessly for our community to build strong ties with Sheriffs and promote safety measures. We sincerely need your support as well. If our mission resonates with you, we would welcome and appreciate your donations. The needed funds can help to accomplish many tasks for the safety of our community. 
TACF is recognized as a 501(c)3 entity by the US Internal Revenue Service. Your donations are tax-deductible.  Within the community, we know there are many concerned residents. We encourage and welcome your involvement. Please remember that TACF belongs to everyone and our community.
Mark 和 Alice是一對住在羅蘭崗的退休夫婦。他們閑暇時喜歡製作拿手的“功夫花生”,朋友們都讚好吃,遠近馳名。 Alice 和鄰居好友 Chuck夫婦聊到這個平靜的小鎮,近年治安亮起了紅燈,大家都很憂心!Chuck 孫是一位資深的航太工程師,今年剛退休,準備好好帶着太太遊山玩水。Alice 鼓勵 Chuck站出來,以自身強而有力的領導經驗,帶領大家一起 來維䕶鄰里的安全。 是的,假如不是我們那麼該誰做呢?假如不是現在,那麽還要擔驚受怕多久呢?Chuck也認為勢不可等,兩個人登高一呼,激起了熱情的反響。(社區治安人人有責)協會,TACF就這樣誕生了!
憂心治安的居民,認識 識的及不認識的,自 今年三月以來,迅速集結,建立網上守望相助平台,積極聯繫警方及地方官員,為社區做了許多事情。
11月我們十幾位理事,夜訪核桃市警局,為夜班員警帶去了中式宵夜,代表華人向警察們表達感謝。這兩年警察預算被裁,工作加重,不免影響士氣。看到我們的笑臉,在大夜班交接時 送上熱騰騰的宵夜,員警們非常感動。
12月我們看到報導,有兩位居民下班時不幸遭到歹徒搶劫,一位甚至受傷,到今天也沒有康復。TACF的會長及理事們主動関懷,Chuck及理事們一一面談,瞭解她們的可怕經歷,安慰她們,並且幫她們聯繫警局,探討嫌犯的特徵,希望早日破案。其中一位汪女士說,當天被搶只有幾秒鐘,沒有看到歹徒面目,她真的以為她的案子沒希望了。天天看到被搶的報導,總以為是別人的新聞,真沒想到會發生在自己 的身上,她感到害怕,投訴無門。有了這個 “人人有責”協會做為民警之間的橋樑,受害人感謝協會的協助。
TACF的理事們,真心實意的在為社區治安奉獻,但是我們也非常需要您的支持。如果認同我們 的理念,我們歡迎您的捐贈,有了經費,將可以完成更多的使命。明年我們將會推出 “商家聯防同盟”,為華人商家也搭起一座警民的橋樑。


  • Hongyun He
    • $50
    • 8 mos
  • Anonymous
    • $20
    • 2 yrs
  • William Wu
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $50
    • 2 yrs
  • Emily Da
    • $20
    • 2 yrs


Together Against Crime Foundation

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