Help a Refugee in Nashville
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Want to join me in making a huge difference for refugees right here in Nashville? For a refugee woman, learning English is one of the most important steps toward independence. But how can that be done in the context of family responsibilities, financial pressures, adapting to a new location, lack of transportation, and other barriers?
For several years now, I have been privileged to direct an amazing group of volunteers in providing free quality English instruction for women in their own neighborhood. The school, ONWARD English Classes, operates through Servant Group International, an organization dedicated to serving refugee communities both locally and abroad. To make it possible for our learners to attend, we provide childcare for their preschool children as well as transportation to and from classes two days a week. With a team of about 20 volunteers, we have served 20-30 women and their children each year. We see wonderful practical skills and beautiful loving relationships growing hand in hand.
All this time a local church situated in the heart of immigrant communities has graciously made its building available free of charge, not only us but also to several other groups that meet weekly. This generous church is committed to using what God has given them to serve their neighborhood. However, they can no longer cover all the costs of utilities and have reluctantly asked us to help. That request, plus the need for expanded curriculum, has overtaken our ability to operate the school without help.
Here is where you fit in...
We need to raise $5000 to run the school for the 2019-2020 school year. I’d love you to become a volunteer, but I know that’s not possible for everyone. However, you can make the school possible by giving financially. All donations are tax-deductible. Any amount is greatly appreciated!
Here's one last photo - a favorite of mine - of some of our proud students at the end of the year. Out of respect for those who do not want their faces posted online, a few subtle edits were made. The facial features may not be realistic, but the feelings represented certainly are!
Susan Reese
Thompson's Station, TN
Servant Group International