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Talty Family Roots Project

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The Talty Family Roots project is a single name genealogy project  which has uncovered the story of the Talty Family from Co. Clare, Ireland. The project was started in 2013 and is now completed. This Go Fund Me project is set up to fund the publication of a book containing all the results of this project. The fund will also help to cover some of the costs of a number of tours and historical lecture and presentation relating to Co Clare and its history, which will be offered to visitors to the are between the 20th and 27th of August 2017.

These events will coincide with National Heritage Week and will attract many interested visitors to the area. We have worked hard to provide unique and interesting tours and presentations which are not presently found, and which show all the hidden parts of Co Clare where tourists are not usually exposed to.  We have been working hard on this idea over the last 3 years and have already confirmed over 70 interested international visitors for our proposed tours and talks, all of whom are interested in their Clare heritage. We hope to cater for many more and to offer an exemplary experince of Co Clare history and exploration for all. 

We would appreciate any support to get this project over the line and to complete the transmission of all this collected data into the public arena for posterity. Unfortunately there is no public funding for such projects which keep our history and heritage alive and which greatly support tourism in rural parts of Ireland. We thank you in advance for considering supporting our efforts.


  • Emily Baltrunas
    • €50
    • 7 yrs


Brid Talty

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