Tampa News Force production facility/party mansion
Tampa Times article by Paul Guzzo
The Harvard Lampoon has a castle. Prince had Paisley Park. Tampa News Force needs a headquarters/production facility to produce more of the high quality entertainment you've come to expect and love (Hello "Plane Train" and "Steak Break").
This historic cigar factory in West Tampa is for sale and would be a perfect production facility/party mansion! We'll have a sound stage, an editing suite, a recording studio, offices, unisex restrooms, film screening room, a night club for live events, a ping pong table, a toaster oven and at least five orgy dungeons. All donors will be able to attend parties and events for $uper cheap discount$!
Please be a part of something great by helping us buy a veritable fortress where people who are mean to us can't get in (you guys are cool, though)!