Fundraising to have our son at home
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" Fundraising to have our son and brother live at home with full family support and love "
I would like to share with you all a story of a man in need of your help. My name is Edris(Sirvan)Abdollahpouri, Masoud’s younger Brother, I only want the best for Masoud whom would have given his time to help others every time. I am sharing this with you all on behalf of Masoud (The Iranian Tank) Abdollahpouri and our family.
Masoud was at the top of his career before tragedy struck in June 2013. A young man’s world was turned upside down. He fell in love with Australia and all it offered him. He was drawn to the community and wanted to somehow give back. He is a big man with a big heart all the way from Mahabad-Iran. Fell in love with Australia that much, he soon became an Australian Citizen. As much as he loved his family and his home in Iran, he made a strong decision to live in Australia-Queensland-Brisbane permanently. Masoud became a professional Thaiboxer and has become second in the world Championship in Muay Thai in Bangkok-Thailand 2002, he was a member of Iranian nation team in muay Thai, kick boxing, kungfu so competing in the world Championships with his home team of Iran also trained under Nuggets Thaiboxing Gym(NTG) in Brisbane-Australia since 2004 . His other dream was to help in the health system as a peramedic. He studied Nursing at QUT and graduated in septamber of 2012 to become a NURSE.
Since June of 2013 Masoud has been suffering with an Acquired Brain Injury, the truth is we still are not sure and don’t know what exactly happened to Masoud but his accident happened 12 days after our father had passed away, so this is a very sad outcome for a young man and champion. From a man that was very active person which spent every day at the university and gym, he now is not able to go through what most of us take for granted. He no longer can talk, walk and move his whole body. It is very hard for our family to see him every day in this condition. Times have been very hard on Masoud and our family. Masoud’s home since his accident consists of Doctors, Nurses and other patients and residents that also have acquired brain injuries or people over 65. The conditions are profoundly over whelming.
My mother and I came to Australia two weeks after his accident, We spoke very limited English which made everything twice as hard for us. I took 2 weeks to learn some English to be able to understand a little about what had happend to My brother, while My mum struggles daily, but slowly understanding small talk. we spend every waking hour and every single day with him assisting in nursing care, physio, Dressing, Bathing, Shaving and...
He was accomodated in Brain Injury Centre and Nursing home since his accident. We continue to Hope that one day we will get to care for Masoud in a home environment.
The only time we take him out of the nursing home is on the weekend for a few hours as our rental house is not suitable for him and his needs.
My mother and I have given up our own life and have left our family behind in Iran, but continue to look out for Masoud’s best interest.
I was an Architectural engeenier in Iran also a master student of Architecture but after my brother’s accident I have put my life on hold for him. He is mums first child and she loves him like all of her other children. Masoud understands what you say also understand where he is, so we love seeing him laugh and try to keep him stay positive. Taking day by day and hour by hour spent with him caring for his needs in every way possible.
As much as mum and I want to be housed in Australia,We are finding the system hard to settle in a foreign country. We have to face many obsticales just to survive.
After three years we have no more savings left and we do not have the means to house Masoud as much as we would like to take him home because we have little faith in the care he has been placed in because the health system has accommodated him in a nursing home where the youngest resident is 65.
Although we are very greatful for the support and care of the Australian Government provided during the past 3 years, due to a long waiting list it does not look likely that we would be given the opportunity to care for him in a loving enviornmenyt of our own suitableresidence in recent future.
We strongly believe that Masoud is a young(35 yo) and does not belong to a nursing home. We only wish for him to live with us or take him back home to Iran.
We would love to start having Masoud home but it requirees equipments and a wheelchair access place are needed but this is not possible without Disability funding.
My mother and I are on Bridging visa that doesn't allow us to work, so I wanted to ask you today if there was any chance you might be willing to do a fundraiser for Masoud. If you google Masoud Abdollahpouri you will see some of Masouds fight history and on you tube a fight he had which you can realise who was he befor his accident !
I hope you might be able to help because our family have been through hell and back and are broke with no financial support and we need help for him, if it might be possible to do so. If this would be possible, we would spend the money on housing and providing the equipments for Masouds care needs in Iran and I will advice and share with you when we accommodate him, he is in a tiltable wheelchair ordered by specialist, also he needs a pressure mattress in a hospital bed also a shower chaire.
As I said we are visiting him every single day I’m driving Masouds car for the last two and a half years but the car needs to be fixed at the moment, because if it stops working, which we were told is only a matter of time, we wont be able to see him and that would be a disaster. We would also use any raised funds perhaps on flights to take Masoud home (inquired price of flight just from Brisbane to Abu dhabi is $ 68,525.00 AUD but we are negotiating for a better price at this time) also provide the equipments are needed. The life is so hard here for us, the surviving is becoming even harder
me and Masoud have two sisters and one other brother,two brother in law also two cute nieces, one of which we have not yet met.
Unfortunately the Australian embassy in Iran has refused my sister’s visa application to come visit us here in Australia three times so the seperation of our loved ones is also so hard.
So for all above resons we now believe that it is in benefit to all of us to take Masoud back home although he will lose all medical and disability benefits that Australian Government kindly provide to all citizens in need but the situation is no longer sustainable for us.
If you need any proof of this situation so you know we are ligit I will be happy to give further details,please don’t hesitate to contact me. my mobile number is +61 413 401 447
.also I am Masoud’s legal guardian by QCAT(Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal) order.
I welcome any suggestion to help us with our situation.
Thank you for your time...
Edris Ab
Bracken Ridge, QLD