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Training: Rural Tanzanian Educators

Donazione protetta
Mindset Education is a consulting group which aims to bring cutting-edge principles of learning to educational institutions that may otherwise have little or no access to such principles. Mindset Education has partnered with the Karimu International Help Foundation--a nonprofit organization dedicated to socio-economic, health and education improvements of Dareda Kati, Tanzania--to support teacher development by providing professional learning workshops. 

Karimu notes that many classrooms have "dirt floors, no glass in the windows, no doors in the door-frames, and a severe shortage of wobbly desks. Two of the four classrooms were open to the sky. The “walls” of one room were little more than pillars, waiting for the spaces between them to be filled in."

However, "in these squalid surroundings, the teachers nevertheless wore their best dress shirts and trousers while standing in front of the students with striking dignity and composure. Like countless teachers throughout rural Africa...teachers went every day to small classrooms packed – on those unusual days when absences were few – with as many as 75 students, who had to divide scarcities of books and supplies among themselves."

Today, conditions are much improved thanks to the work of countless donors and friends of Karimu International Help Foundation. To extend Karimu's holisitic community improvement plans, teacher training is needed. 

The Karimu Foundation has invited sixty educators for to participate in this training.

January 2nd-6th, 2018, three qualified, passionate teacher educators and one educational leadership researcher from Teachers College, Columbia University will volunteer their time and travel to Dareda Kati to conduct a five-day training session. Workshops will equip educators with no-cost, proven techniques to increase student success.
Photo from one of the schools whose educators will participate in the training, the Ufani School. "Ufani School’s teachers work hard to prepare every one of their students for secondary school."

Topics will include the philosophies of teaching, taking the learner’s perspective, neuroscience of optimal learning, active learning, and how to teach and practice self-regulation and other executive functions, a key focus will be metacognition and assessment strategies. Where applicable, workshops will model strong pedagogy and provide teachers will transferable skills and tools to apply to their classrooms.

If you are interested in a copy the proposed syllabus, please contact us through the GoFundMe platform. 

If you choose to support the pilot project, your generous monetary contributions will go towards procuring of the following: 

-Printed training materials for 60 educators
-School supplies for the training (paper, post-its, markers, pens, flip charts, tape, etc
-Customized swag for the educators: tote bags, t-shirts, and baseball caps (because why not?!)
-Workshop technology support (Adapters, cables, projector, transportation, clickers, etc)
-Community volunteer stipends
-Transportation and accommodation for program facilitators 

Asante sana. We’re already grateful for your interest in the project and look forward to your support,

With best wishes, 

Hannah, Kevin, Leticia, and Naheeda


  • Anonima
    • $500
    • 7 yrs


Hannah Erickson
Brooklyn, NY

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