TAPP for the CURE
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In our 14th year, we are dedicating Tapp for Charity to a special edition Tapp for the Cure. We come together each year to show how little we know about college basketball and how much we know about what it means to be a family, a circle of friends, a rich and vibrant community.
While we can never know the pain of each other's struggles, the fears that embrace our hearts and the challenges we are given to carry, we do know the light of love for each other, lifted in prayer and wrapped in caring, can push light into darkness, hope into despair, and empathy into pain.
So come on in the pool, make your pics, take your shots, trade your smiles, share your insights - we ask only for a simple donation to Metavivor, a willingness to send prayer into this challenge, and an appetite for the good-natured celebration of family, friends and MARCH MADNESS!
About METAvivor
METAvivor is dedicated to the specific fight of women and men living with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. At the time of METAvivor’s founding, no organization was dedicated to funding research for the disease and no patient groups were speaking out about the dearth of stage 4 cancer research. While more and more people have taken up the cry for more stage 4 research, METAvivor remains the sole US organization dedicated to awarding annual stage 4 breast cancer research.
While we can never know the pain of each other's struggles, the fears that embrace our hearts and the challenges we are given to carry, we do know the light of love for each other, lifted in prayer and wrapped in caring, can push light into darkness, hope into despair, and empathy into pain.
So come on in the pool, make your pics, take your shots, trade your smiles, share your insights - we ask only for a simple donation to Metavivor, a willingness to send prayer into this challenge, and an appetite for the good-natured celebration of family, friends and MARCH MADNESS!
About METAvivor
METAvivor is dedicated to the specific fight of women and men living with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. At the time of METAvivor’s founding, no organization was dedicated to funding research for the disease and no patient groups were speaking out about the dearth of stage 4 cancer research. While more and more people have taken up the cry for more stage 4 research, METAvivor remains the sole US organization dedicated to awarding annual stage 4 breast cancer research.
Daniel Porter
Bainbridge, OH
METAvivor Research and Support Inc.