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Tarahumara Caballo Blanco From Boulder to Urique

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Hello There!


My gratitude goes to you for your donation, by running 1 km per dollar donated!

Your donations will help support Tierra Nativa charity efforts for the Tarahumara children education!

My name is Luis Martinez. My hometown is Juarez city in Mexico and I reside in both Juarez and El Paso TX. I started running 10km races in 2002 when I was told that I might not be able to walk again due to a bad surgery that I had on my spine. I made it through the ordeal and I started running 10km races to prove the doctors wrong!

But it just has been 2 years ago when I tried a 100 km race, so I started running just last year for charity causes in Mexico to inspire people and support different causes,

Te Reto A Ser Extraordinario 

mainly the Tarahumara people in Chihuahua. I have seen first hand the needs of the Raramuri people in my hometown.

I am not a professional athlete whatsoever, nor is easy for me to run on flat ground. It's painful because of my surgery; but what keeps one moving is the right and powerful motives: Help others!

Since 2017, Tierra Nativa has supported the work of a Tarahumara visionary, leader, teacher, poet and recording artist, Makawi in developing a cultural education program to guide Tarahumara children from six communities towards a deeper functional understanding of their language and culture in cooperation with the Rebellion Tarahumara grade school in the rancheria El Bajichi, Municipio Urique.   This is the culmination of 25 years of collaboration with Makawi on various Tarahumara community projects.

Children often depend on the school for food due to the extreme poverty, frequent drought, and parental negligence due to alcoholism.   Children of migratory or alcoholic parents are losing out on both traditional learning and academic performance.   

Tierra Nativa Facebook Page 

Mothers and grandmothers, often hold the family together by making and selling crafts, cooking, caring for infants, maintaining the house.  Some do domestic or kitchen work for extremely low wages.    Men face an overwhelming burden as well, between subsistence agriculture, gathering firewood, migrating for work, all complicated by high levels of alcoholism.   There is little chance for teaching and learning traditional ways.

The response from the people and volunteers on the few charity events that I've run at has been extraordinary. When I ran for these causes, there were a lot of volunteers from the US and within Mexico who were eager to help, but they were not able because we received all physical donations at the event.

This is a campaign to invite those who are willing to support our Tarahumara Native heritage education efforts:

I will try to run from Boulder Colorado to Urique Chihuahua (almost 2,000 kilometers) to raise funds for a charity for the Education of the Tarahumara people (Tierra Nativa).  I am planning to run from 30 km to 50 km per day, and  150 km to 200 km on a bike.

The last part of the journey will be running the 80 km Caballo Blanco Ultra in Urique, Chihuahua Mexico.

The Ultra Maratón Caballo Blanco is a 50-mile ultramarathon held annually in the town of Urique, Chihuahua.  It saw the light as Micah True's efforts to preserve the Tarahumara natives culture and running heritage.

The event awards seed corn vouchers to all runners who complete the distance, in addition to prize money,  being one of the most important sources of economy support for the Rarámuri in Urique.

My gratitude goes to you for your donation, by running 1 km per dollar donated!

Your donations will help support Tierra Nativa charity efforts for the Tarahumara children education, and for the Raramuri runners in the Caballo Blanco ultra in Urique!

All goods donations within Mexico (Juarez to Urique), we’ll deliver them  directly to the Tarahumara.

Your kind contribution will make you part of this journey!

Thank you very much!

These are some of the journeys  from last year for charity causes that were possible mainly because of  your kind donations!


Juarez city loop run.- 40 miles loop around the city to receive “Rosca de Reyes” (king’s thread ring-shaped cake) donations for children.


Walmart memorial.- Ran 1 mile per Walmart victim from Juarez Mexico to El Paso US Walmart memorial to honor them.

Local newspaper note on the Walmart memorial race 


5 marathons for a cause.- Ran 5 marathons in a week for the immigrant children at the bridges. The last marathon of this effort was “Maraton Natural de Juarez”.

News note on running 5 Marathons 


24 hours for a cause.- Ran 24 straight hours to support the Tarahumara, receiving blankets, food, clothes, etc donations for the Tarahumara.

Note on running 24 hours for the Tarahumara 

Local newspaper note on running 24 hours for the Tarahumara 

Maratón del juguete (Toy Maraton). Ran a marathon on Christmas joining the Piernon Loco club runners to collect toys for children.

January 2020

Juarez city loop run 2nd time to support the Tarahumara and receive “Rosca de Reyes” donations.

Note on the Juarez loop race event 



  • Liz Villa
    • $20
    • 5 yrs


Luis Martinez
El Paso, TX

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