Taskforce AusCorp RFS Bushfire Support
Taskforce AusCorp RFS Bushfire Support
We as a community have decided to support the everyday heros who have been fighting the worst bush fires Australia has seen for a long time. After 2 firefighters lives lost, sometimes without adequate equipment and battling horrendous conditions, these men and women courageously put their lives at risk to defend the homes and lives of others. Their courage, professionalism and commitment is often unrecognised so we want to acknowledge their outstanding efforts whilst they still face extraordinary conditions and dangers. Some of our community members have been directly and indirectly affected by the fires so we have decided to do what we can to try and support those who have been putting themselves in harms way.
The RFS and other fire fighting services are vital to the safety of Australia's towns, cities and communities but often require more funding and resources so they can purchase equipment, supplies and can continue to train their personnel. This Christmas and New year, we ask that you remember those who are still fighting the raging threat across Australia and if possible donate so that we can help support the services that so desperately need and deserve it. Any amount is appreciated and goes towards helping the fire fighting teams and services so they can keep doing what there're doing, which is saving lives.
About us.
Taskforce AusCorp is a online gaming group who have been around for over 5 years and have over 120 members. We strive to be more than just a group of people who play games together and class ourselves more as a community. We often help our members through difficult times with our support network and sometimes via other means. This year we want to acknowledge and do our best to support the RFS as we have a few members who are fire fighters but also have some members who were affected by the fires themselves. We wish those who are still out doing their best, a safe battle and eventually a well deserved merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Taskforce AusCorp would like to warmly thank the following groups and communities for their support:
OCB - Online Combat Battalion http://ocb.net.au/index.html
BTAC - Borderline Tactical https://discord.gg/e5hDyjA
TFD - Taskforce Dingo http://taskforcedingo.com/
1RAR - 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment https://www.1strar.com/
CoG - Community of Gamers https://units.arma3.com/unit/cogclan
Rimmy - Downunder Gaming https://www.discord.gg/rimmy
IRTV - InRange TV http://www.inrange.tv/
Forgotten Weapons https://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeapons
LCPL_Liru https://www.twitch.tv/lcpl_liru
Wargaming_Inc https://www.twitch.tv/wargames_inc
506th Infantry Regiment http://www.506thir.net/
TheVariableGaming https://www.twitch.tv/thevariablegaming
PigeonHunter_ https://www.twitch.tv/pigeonhunter_
Cover photo credit: https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/story/6269553/warmer-temperatures-mean-bushfire-season-could-come-early-again/