Mayan Elder Tata Pedro Emergency Hospitalization
Donation protected
Hello family. We have some unfortunate news, and are requesting your support. Tata Pedro was diagnosed with skin cancer last year, and has been undergoing chemotherapy. Last week, as it appeared he was on his way to recovery, he had to be hospitalized urgently to remove his appendix as it suddenly ruptured. Unfortunately during surgery the doctors discovered the cancer had spread to his digestive system and to several organs, meaning many new health challenges have now arisen.
Many of you know Tata Pedro Cruz, but for those who don’t, let me share a bit about this incredible and relentless human being:
Tata Pedro is a GuateMayan Elder, a “Mayan Ajq’ij” (Spiritual Guide) and one of the principal authorities of the Council of Mayan Elders of Lake Atitlan, where him and his family reside.
He was named the “Heart of Lake Atitlan” or “K’U’XYA” in Tz’utujil by his fellow Elders and the Tz’utujil people (Mayan ethnic group). And this comes at no surprise as he truly is the heart of his community and a reminder of unconditional love.
Tata Pedro is recognized globally as a devoted and admirable Spiritual Guide and Wisdom Keeper by Elders of different Traditions; And also by the many people, of all different backgrounds, whom he has guided, protected, taught, healed and loved throughout his path.
Tata is the embodiment of devotion, by the ways in which he honors the earth, the elements, the principles of nature, peace, equality and harmony.
His legacy is remarkable but it came at a high price, throughout his life he’s had to face: persecution, exploitation, discrimination, threats, incarceration, abuse, and much more due to his commitment to practicing Spirituality, advocating for human rights and for preserving the Mayan Cosmovision.
Indoctrination, colonization and appropriation continue threatening him and his people. And despite the risks, he always reminds us that: “No matter what, do everything with love”.
Tata has received donations to be able to complete his skin cancer treatments. Unfortunately this new surgery, ambulances and new medications have already total upwards of $12,000 and counting.
Health insurance is not really an option so we are praying that many people can donate small amounts to generate the funds necessary to cover his expenses.
Tata is a true Medicine Man, a healer, a father, a grandfather and a guide to many. Thank you for donating and sharing this request. We love you Tata Pedro
Many of you know Tata Pedro Cruz, but for those who don’t, let me share a bit about this incredible and relentless human being:
Tata Pedro is a GuateMayan Elder, a “Mayan Ajq’ij” (Spiritual Guide) and one of the principal authorities of the Council of Mayan Elders of Lake Atitlan, where him and his family reside.
He was named the “Heart of Lake Atitlan” or “K’U’XYA” in Tz’utujil by his fellow Elders and the Tz’utujil people (Mayan ethnic group). And this comes at no surprise as he truly is the heart of his community and a reminder of unconditional love.
Tata Pedro is recognized globally as a devoted and admirable Spiritual Guide and Wisdom Keeper by Elders of different Traditions; And also by the many people, of all different backgrounds, whom he has guided, protected, taught, healed and loved throughout his path.
Tata is the embodiment of devotion, by the ways in which he honors the earth, the elements, the principles of nature, peace, equality and harmony.
His legacy is remarkable but it came at a high price, throughout his life he’s had to face: persecution, exploitation, discrimination, threats, incarceration, abuse, and much more due to his commitment to practicing Spirituality, advocating for human rights and for preserving the Mayan Cosmovision.
Indoctrination, colonization and appropriation continue threatening him and his people. And despite the risks, he always reminds us that: “No matter what, do everything with love”.
Tata has received donations to be able to complete his skin cancer treatments. Unfortunately this new surgery, ambulances and new medications have already total upwards of $12,000 and counting.
Health insurance is not really an option so we are praying that many people can donate small amounts to generate the funds necessary to cover his expenses.
Tata is a true Medicine Man, a healer, a father, a grandfather and a guide to many. Thank you for donating and sharing this request. We love you Tata Pedro
Hola familia. Desafortunadamente tenemos malas noticias y estamos solicitando su apoyo. Tata Pedro fue diagnosticado con cáncer de piel el año pasado y ha estado recibiendo quimioterapia. La semana pasada, cuando parecía que estaba en camino a recuperarse, tuvo que ser hospitalizado de urgencia para remover su apéndice, ya que de repente se rompió.
Desafortunadamente, durante la cirugía, los médicos descubrieron que el cáncer se había extendido a su sistema digestivo y a varios órganos, lo que significa que ahora han surgido mucho más problemas de salud nuevos.
Muchos de ustedes conocen a Tata Pedro Cruz, pero para los que no, permítanme compartirles un poco sobre este increíble y admirable ser humano:
Tata Pedro es un Guia Maya, un "Ajq'ij" (Guía espiritual) y una de las principales autoridades del Consejo de Mayores Mayas del Lago de Atitlán, donde reside él y su familia.
El también fue nombrado el "Corazón del Lago de Atitlán" o "K’U’XYA" en Tz’utujil por sus compañeros mayores y el pueblo Tz’utujil (grupo étnico maya). Y esto no sorprende, ya que realmente es el corazón de su comunidad y un recordatorio del amor incondicional.
Tata Pedro es reconocido mundialmente como un Guía Espiritual devoto y guardián de la sabiduría por los Mayores de diferentes tradiciones; Y también por las tantas personas, de diferentes orígenes, a quienes el ha guiado, protegido, enseñado, sanado y amado a lo largo de su camino.
Tata es la encarnación de la devoción, por la forma en que honra la tierra, los elementos, los principios de la naturaleza, la paz, la igualdad y la armonía. Su legado es notable pero tuvo un alto precio, a lo largo de su vida ha tenido que enfrentar: persecución, explotación, discriminación, amenazas, encarcelamiento, abuso y mucho más debido a su compromiso de practicar la Espiritualidad, abogar por los derechos humanos y preservar la Cosmovisión Maya.
La adoctrinamiento, la colonización y la apropiación continúan amenazándolo a él y a su pueblo. Y a pesar de los riesgos, siempre nos recuerda que: “Pase lo que pase, hazlo todo con amor”.
Tata ha recibido donaciones para poder completar sus tratamientos contra el cáncer de piel. Desafortunadamente, esta nueva cirugía, ambulancias y nuevos medicamentos ya suman más de $ 12,000 y contando.
El seguro médico no es una opción, por eso pedimos que muchas personas puedan donar pequeñas cantidades para generar los fondos necesarios para cubrir sus gastos.
Tata es un verdadero curandero, sanador, padre, abuelo y guía para muchos. Gracias por donar y compartir esta solicitud. Te amamos Tata Pedro
Gabriela Villacorta
Austin, TX