Tatishi’s Hamstring Reattachment Surgery
Donation protected
Hi, My name is Tatishi and i am fundraising for my hamstring repair surgery.
earlier this year i fell and tore 2 of my 3 hamstrings off my hip bone.
although i went to the ER the same day, the ER doc told me there was nothing wrong. I requested x-rays and although i pleaded for him to do more research into the issue, he said there was nothing wrong and that i should give it time to heal.
this injury took an impact on my business as a coach, as well as, mentally. i was depressed and in pain for months.
i mustered the courage to rehab myself and noticed a ball in the back of my leg.
a few weeks ago, i went to another ortho for a second opinion and upon see the xrays was able to tell me that 2 of my hamstring muscles were torn off and referred me to do MRI to see how intensive the damage was.
i scheduled my MRI and recently found out my appr was cancelled due to my insurance declining to cover the charges.
injuries such as muscle tears need to be repaired in a 3-4 week period in order to have a high success rate. the ortho let me know it is possible but time is of the essence since i am outside the window and this is why i am in a crunch.
the cost posted is to offset the cost of what i can contribute out of pocket to this surgery.
any and all help is much appreciated. thank you. please share.
Organizer and beneficiary
Tatishi Franklin
Norfolk, VA
Jordon Franklin