#Tavintuff for Tavin Hashimoto
On March 17, 2017 this amazing little guy Tavin was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). His family and friends have been devastated by this news. We've cried, we've questioned why, we've been mad, sad, and scared all at once. We've turned to each other for love and comfort and have found peace in knowing that in all of this OUR GOD REIGNS!!!! Now we are standing up linked arm in arm and fighting. Fighting with Tavin and his family against this cancer. We are praying relentlessly for his recovery and healing and trusting in God's perfect plan for his life. Tavin has begun his daily treatments to aggressively fight against this cancer and will be staying in the hospital on Oahu for the next 6-8 months. Tavin's parents, Davin and Tammi-lyn have been by Tavin's side from the beginning but they still have 2 young children at home on Maui who they have been able to see over video chat and a couple of quick weekend visits which hasn't been a great situation for the children or on mom and dad. We humbly ask you to help support the Hashimoto family with a financial donation to help cover the cost of Tavin's medical expenses. Also, please keep Tavin in your prayers as he fights through this process and celebrate with us when GOD is victorious.