Help ANThony Walk Again #helpanthonywalkagain
Anthony had surgery in November 2019 to repair a dissected aorta and abdominal aneurysm (Due to a rare tissue disorder). It unexpectedly left him paralyzed. The surgery was a success but the staff realized the lumber drain in his spine (to prevent paralysis) had slipped out for two hours when his surgery was over. As Anthony woke up from surgery he felt the lower half of his body fading away into paralysis. His body changed instantly.
We have had different opinions from doctors. Some believe he will walk. They were specific that he needs intense physical therapy and at the best facility within two/three years. The pandemic brought that to a stop with many restrictions and the shutdown. We are asking for help to purchase some pieces of physical therapy equipment he could use daily at home. He can catch-up with healing. His Physical Therapists recommend a standing frame that’s $8,000, a duel cable cross that’s $6,000, and an FES Bike that’s $35,000. Unfortunately Insurance has denied him twice. Right now he gets about an hour of this type of therapy a month, he could use a lot more. We see his body show many signs that he will walk again. He just needs that daily intense therapy.
This at home equipment will help his mental and emotional health, spine recovery and his heart health.
He spends his days battling with medical insurance, government agencies, calling his team of doctors, daily at home nurse visits for pressure sores that have not healed for a year and a half. In order to urinate he uses catheters for multiple hours a day along with nightly bowel programs. This has become our new normal, it’s been very challenging.
If you feel led to give we thank you in advance. We truly appreciate it!
Anthony and Jen