Te behemi te gjithe ta ndihmojm FATJON HERCEKU
Donation protected
Fatjoni 23 vjec, i cili prej vitesh vuan per shkak te humbjes se nervit te degjimit gje qe e ka humbur teresisht degjimin dhe ka nevoje per ndihmen e gjithe popullit per tja rikthyer sadopak shpresen me ane te nje operacioni permes vendosjes se nje implanti koklear. Operacioni kushton 80.000 € dhe familja e tij e ka shume te pamundur ta perballoje kete shume, andaj kerkojme zgjidhje per ta shpetuar jeten e tij me ane te ketij operacioni. Kush ka mundesi te kontribuoje sadopak ne kosto financiare, i shtohet me shume shpresa per te bere operacionin qe ti rikthehet jeta normalisht si gjithe personat e tjere normale. Andaj kerkojme ndihmen tuaj ne realizimin e ketij operacioni
Fatjoni, 23 years old, who has been suffering for years due to the loss of his hearing nerve, which has completely lost his hearing and needs the help of all the people to restore at least some hope through an operation through the placement of a cochlear implant. The operation costs €80,000 and his family finds it very impossible to afford this amount, so we are looking for a solution to save his life through this operation. Whoever is able to contribute even a little to the financial costs, will have more hope to have the operation so that his life can return to normal like all other normal people. Therefore, we ask for your help in carrying out this operation
Fatjon Herceku