Team Carlin Unite!
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Carlin Rose is an eight year old girl (9 on July 23rd!) with PartialTrisomy 2P, a very rare genetic disorder, who survived Stage 3 Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma in the muscle tissue behind her lungs thanks to the doctors at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and much prayer and support from family and friends.

Carlin’s name means "little champion" in Gaelic, which has proved more than fitting. This little champion endured 10 months of inpatient chemotherapy and 32 proton beam radiation treatments when she was 4 years old. We are thankful to God that Carlin has been able to be home since 2014, with the assistance of night nursing, in order to receive g-tube feeds for nourishment and internal percussive ventilation treatments to keep her lungs clear. She just integrated this past year into her home school, Crofton Woods, where she just successfully completed first grade and loves writing!
While chemotherapy and radiation saved Carlin's life, there are consequences to such harsh treatments on a little body. On July 17th, Carlin will return to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and undergo surgery to begin to repair damage done to her spine and ribcage from the radiation. Carlin is suffering with radiation scoliosis and needs to undergo a titinim rib "VEPTR" surgery to correct it. Without this surgery, Carlin's spine curvature would continue to get worse, and her ribs would grow inward on her already compromised lung, requiring her to use oxygen around the clock and severely limit her physical activity. Again, the doctor's at CHoP have a solution to give Carlin the future she deserves! This 12 hour open surgery will have 10-14 days inpatient recovery time, and a month of daily intensive rehab to get her back up and running before 2nd grade.

Carlin is a daddy’s girl, and with her genetic disorder and intellectual disability, she truly needs the both of her parents to tag team in order for her to get the support she needs. This surgery will also create a need for extra summer programming for her 7 year old brother Liam, to keep him busy during the day, while Carlin is in the hospital.

Any financial help would be appreciated to assist the Kenny's with the extra expenses of travel, lodging, maintaining things at home, on-going therapy, and out-of-network medical bills incurred to fully support Carlin during this very painful surgery and recovery. Carlin truly is a living miracle. If you are unable to give monetarily, please say a prayer for Carlin’s continued recovery. She is truly a little champion!

Carlin’s name means "little champion" in Gaelic, which has proved more than fitting. This little champion endured 10 months of inpatient chemotherapy and 32 proton beam radiation treatments when she was 4 years old. We are thankful to God that Carlin has been able to be home since 2014, with the assistance of night nursing, in order to receive g-tube feeds for nourishment and internal percussive ventilation treatments to keep her lungs clear. She just integrated this past year into her home school, Crofton Woods, where she just successfully completed first grade and loves writing!

While chemotherapy and radiation saved Carlin's life, there are consequences to such harsh treatments on a little body. On July 17th, Carlin will return to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and undergo surgery to begin to repair damage done to her spine and ribcage from the radiation. Carlin is suffering with radiation scoliosis and needs to undergo a titinim rib "VEPTR" surgery to correct it. Without this surgery, Carlin's spine curvature would continue to get worse, and her ribs would grow inward on her already compromised lung, requiring her to use oxygen around the clock and severely limit her physical activity. Again, the doctor's at CHoP have a solution to give Carlin the future she deserves! This 12 hour open surgery will have 10-14 days inpatient recovery time, and a month of daily intensive rehab to get her back up and running before 2nd grade.

Carlin is a daddy’s girl, and with her genetic disorder and intellectual disability, she truly needs the both of her parents to tag team in order for her to get the support she needs. This surgery will also create a need for extra summer programming for her 7 year old brother Liam, to keep him busy during the day, while Carlin is in the hospital.

Any financial help would be appreciated to assist the Kenny's with the extra expenses of travel, lodging, maintaining things at home, on-going therapy, and out-of-network medical bills incurred to fully support Carlin during this very painful surgery and recovery. Carlin truly is a living miracle. If you are unable to give monetarily, please say a prayer for Carlin’s continued recovery. She is truly a little champion!
Catherine Kenny
Crofton, MD