Team Falvey - Support for Michael Falvey
We are setting up this fundraiser on behalf of Michael Falvey. On Friday, August 6, Mike was taken to the hospital due to complications with his liver and kidneys. The doctors are still working to determine a diagnosis and treatment, but we know that Mike is strong, and we are hopeful that he will make a full recovery.
Anyone that has ever met Mike, knows how amazing he is. He has a kind soul and a huge heart and is always willing to help others.
Mike is not one to ask for help, but he has a long road ahead of him. We would like to provide as much support as we can to help him stay focused on his recovery. We ask for any help you can give to provide support in Mike’s time of need and please keep him in your prayers.
Thank you to all who have sent encouraging words, thoughts, and prayers during this time. The outpouring of love has been immeasurable. We can't wait to get him home and feeling good!