This is Fred. Fred is five months old and he and his siblings were bottle raised by hand when Kitt Crusaders rescued them from the shelter at three days old. Fred and his brother Ricky are the most joyful, beautiful, innocent, kind hearted creatures. On September 28,, Fred was diagnosed with FIP, a terminal disease that is so horrible, it basically makes the cat waste away before your eyes. It’s characterized by a high fever ( Fred’s was 105.5 ) abdominal or chest fluid, lethargy, and anorexia. Once symptoms start, cats generally do not have very long. We’ve lost several cats to this horrible disease in the past and it is a heartbreak. Thanks to amazing research and a will to eradicate this disease, there Is Hope. After only one dose of treatment, Fred‘s fever started to drop and he wanted to eat. After four days, he is himself again; running through the house purring, creating mischief and making biscuits . The treatment is 12 weeks, and at the end of this, we are hoping Fred will be cured. We need to raise $1200 to pay for the chance to make Fred healthy and give him a long happy life. Will you help donate to safe Fred? We would be so grateful! Go Team Fred!!