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Team Lucien

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Hello! My name is Jessica Walker. My dad Lucien Hebert has been sick the past 4 years. He retired from the Port Neches Post Office after 30 years. Shortly after he started turning yellow. After months of  procedures and test we were pointed to Houston Methodist Transplant Center. My dad was diagnosed with  Cholangiocarcinoma(bile duct cancer). The only hope for survival would be a liver transplant. The odds were not in his favor, but on August 2nd 2016 we received a call that they have a liver. They stated that they weren’t forsure the liver would make it because of the drive we would have to make. But on that day God placed my parents at the hospital having a test run. After two major surgeries in less then 24 hours he was on the road to recovery. This was his second chance at life. The 1st year was hard and he and my mom spent 11 of 12 months in the hospital. We finally thought we saw the light at the end of the tunnel but unfortunately their house flooded from Harvey. In April we found out my dads cancer has returned and spread. To say we are devastated is an understatement. We found a team of doctors who will treat his very complicated case. My parents have drained their savings paying for treatments, housing, transplant medication and so much more. If you could keep our parents in your prayers we would be so appreciative.


  • Sabrina Cole
    • $30
    • 6 yrs


Jessica Walker
Nederland, TX

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