FANS 4 Melissa:Emergency Funds 4 BandTechs Roadies
Let’s help Melissa Etheridge’s band members, techs & roadies in honor of ALL her #CONCERTSFROMHOME
Let’s help Give Back in honor of ALL the JOY & LIGHT she is bringing into our living rooms during this COVID-19 National Crisis!
If thousands of fans from all over the world donate $5 we can help her team and their
families just a little bit until we see them on the road again soon!
1. Gift only if you are currently working, receiving a paycheck, or retirement check.
2. Or if your Starbucks/Coffee fund has been sitting idle!
3. It is FINE to gift $5. That is the plan! With thousands of fans around the world it will add up!
Q: Do I have to give GoFundMe a tip?
A: No. You can choose other & select 0
Q: How many members of Melissa's team will your gift be helping?
A: Melissa has about 11 team members.
Q: Can I use a credit card or debit card?
A: Yes, that is GoFundMe's platform.
Q: What if my country's currency is not in US dollars? Will that be a problem?
A: No, GoFundMe works in most countries, and your bank will transfer to US dollars.
Q: Who will be dispersing the gifts?
A: All gifts will go directly to Melissa's Business Manager at Primary Wave, Taylor Konn will over see that the funds are given to everyone.
Q: What will the gifts pay for?
A: The gifts will help them pay bills, rent, and buy food.
Q: What happens if their work starts up again?
A: When concert touring starts up again then this page disappears. This is strictly an emergency fund in light of the current circumstances with COVID-19. Any left over monies would be used to get them back out on the road touring.