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Team Niamhy & Mhaired

As most of you know, we have experienced troubled times over the past few months, so in support for our girl, Niamhy, who has been diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma and undergoing chemotherapy, and in memory of our Mhaired, who has sadly passed away, both Brian & I are doing Brave the Shave, if, where possible please donate and feel free to share this post. Thank you to all who donated yesterday at the gathering we had for Mhaired at Dalziel Park, all cash will be going to the Teenage Cancer Trust at the QE Hospital Glasgow, who have been fantastic with Niamh’s care. Thank you Brian & Deborah, let’s go Team Niamhy


  • Anonym
    • £15
    • 12 mins
  • Derek Booth
    • £50
    • 1 hr
  • June Ward
    • £250
    • 3 hrs
  • Brian Millar
    • £50
    • 6 hrs
  • Paula Farmer
    • £20
    • 7 hrs


Deborah Connell
Cancer Research UK

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