Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Team Owen

Spende geschützt
As some may know, our good friend Gerald was diagnosed with stage four esophageal cancer in the summer of 2014 and began a long fight in which the disease went into remission and Gerald was able to play the sport he loved in hockey, his junior season. Unfortunately, prior to this school year, Gerald's senior year, the disease came back and now needs to be treated much more aggressively. Gerald, a senior captain on the hockey team at Becker College only has three classes remaining before he graduates, and intends on taking classes while going through his treatment.  As you can imagine, this has taken a toll on Gerald's family emotionally as well as financially. As a community, we would like to help out Gerald and his family as much as we can while we help him through this fight. We want medical expenses to be the least of his family's worries during this time. Gerry effects such a wide group of people from people in the Becker community as well as the hockey world. The smallest amount of money can help, thank you all for your donations as we help Gerry during this fight. Team Owen.


  • James Hartly
    • $250
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

J.D. Dutney
Worcester, MA
Christopher Owen

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt