Teaming Together in Uganda!
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We invite you to join us in teaming together to positively impact dynamic, multigenerational programs in Uganda. We have a matching grant of $11,000, so every dollar you donate will go twice as far in making a difference. We are launching this campaign in collaboration with our partners in Uganda and we would be thrilled with your support!
Team Together is a partnership born from friendships. We believe in the capacity of people to address the issues that make a difference within their communities. Informed by local wisdom, Team Together supports intergenerational projects and community-developed programs focused on the people of Uganda which provide a sustainable balance of health, education, and opportunities to flourish. We believe that we can join our strengths together to change the world.
Health Nest Uganda – HENU
Focused on the older persons of Uganda, HENU provides opportunities for enhancing community through innovative projects utilizing the skill sets and wisdom of older people to help youth build knowledge and skills.
In August, HENU will break ground on a new tailoring shed and sewing center where younger community members can learn the trade of making clothes from older community members. Younger and older women - working together - will run this project. They will co-create opportunities for generating income, strengthening their decision-making and leadership skills, and enhancing the quality of life in their communities.
Project cost $15,000
Hope for Youth Uganda (H4YU)
A project born of love and hope, H4YU provides a free K-8 education for children who otherwise would not be able to afford one.
In August, H4YU will break ground on a bakery which will function as a trade school and income generator. At the bakery, young Ugandans will learn how to produce baked goods to sell to the general public and learn a trade with which they may earn a living post school. They will also gain confidence and pride, as contributors to and members of the community as a whole.
Project cost $15,000
The Batwa Project
The Batwa people possess the most ancient surviving culture in Africa. However, much of their rich culture is being lost due to their having been displaced and disconnected from the forests on which they have depended for generations.
We are working collaboratively with Batwa elders to secure enough land, around Nyakabande in Kisoro district, for them to establish a Batwa Cultural Centre and village museum. The Centre will benefit the entire community in the Virunga conservation area and the region, by providing sustainable livelihood, education, recreation, research, and tourism.
Project cost $15,000
Team Together