Donation protected
On July 16, 2019, I created this GoFundMe on behalf of my sister and brother-in-law (Maggie & Colt Waid). They received the worst possible news a parent could ever hear that day. Their son, Tyson, was diagnosed with DIPG brain tumor. Prior to that, he had lost his mobility, speech, and other issues in the matter of 6 weeks. He received 30 days of radiation treatment in Atlanta that he completed in September 2019. His tumor shrank by 50% and he regained all of his functions that he had lost and was still improving.
The family was fortunate to have a honeymoon phase for around 7 months. However, in April 2020, his tumor showed rapid progression and doubled in size since January. While trying to get a treatment plan in order, he had another MRI on May 14, 2020 and the tumor showed even more growth. That much growth resulted in the family deciding to start his second round of radiation immediately. He will receive this treatment for only 12 days per protocol (first time around, he received 30 days). His last day of treatment will be June 5 and then he will have a follow-up MRI 4 weeks later to see how the tumor responded and if it shrank. Then they can see what other options they may have as far as trials that he would qualify for.
I have updated the information to reflect the situation currently. Colt had returned to work at the end of January 2020 when Tyson was doing better. He is the only income provider for the family. He went on unpaid medical leave on May 15 so he and Maggie both can stay home to take care of Tyson and his little sister, Averie. Not only for medical but to spend as much time with Tyson as they can. This is a critical situation and he is fighting for his life over the next few months or hopefully longer. For people who do not know about this form of cancer, DIPG is terminal and has a 0% survival rate. Radiation is used to really try to shrink these tumors and buy families as much time as possible. There is no cure yet.
Anyone that knows Tyson, knows that he is a fighter. Here is a little history on Tyson for those that may not be aware of his situation. When he was around 6 months old, he was diagnosed with left middle cerebral artery stroke, right hemiparesis, perinatal arterial ischemic stroke, and symptomatic epilepsy. Tyson, Maggie, and Colt have been through so much in his short 3 years. I can't even begin to explain how much they love their 2 kids. They dote on them and have done everything they can to get Tyson all of the help he has needed over the past 3 ½ years. They have always been there for everyone, anytime someone needed help.
I want to continue to try to help them as they begin yet another continuing battle with this horrible cancer. We all want to help them so that they can spend all the time with Tyson as they can. They need to make memories with Tyson and Averie as a family. Most of us have years to create these memories, but they don't have that guarantee. They will have expenses that I hope to help lessen the burden. The last thing they need to worry about is expenses. They need to focus on Tyson. Please if you can help by making a donation, it is so appreciated! If you can't donate, we appreciate any prayers for Tyson that we can get! Please help me share his story. Thank you to everyone that has supported Colt, Maggie, Tyson, and Averie over the last 10 months! You do not know just how much that support has meant to the whole family. I will continue to post updates and will do them more frequently to keep everyone up-to-date on his treatment. He also has a Facebook page that I will post below for anyone that would like to follow his story. Maggie posts lots of pics and videos on there. Again, thank you all so much!
Please follow Tyson on his Facebook page:
Donations can also be sent to the family’s Paypal or Venmo at:
Paypal: [email redacted]
Venmo: @colt-waid
For more information on where to send care packages or gift cards, send a text to either Maggie at [phone redacted] or Amy at [phone redacted]
There is a Norwex party hosted by Tyson’s aunt, Jessie (all proceeds go to the family) at: www.jessiefreeman.norwex.biz
An account has been set up at Regions Bank under Colt & Maggie Waid for Team Tyson for anyone that would like to make a donation that way as well.
The family was fortunate to have a honeymoon phase for around 7 months. However, in April 2020, his tumor showed rapid progression and doubled in size since January. While trying to get a treatment plan in order, he had another MRI on May 14, 2020 and the tumor showed even more growth. That much growth resulted in the family deciding to start his second round of radiation immediately. He will receive this treatment for only 12 days per protocol (first time around, he received 30 days). His last day of treatment will be June 5 and then he will have a follow-up MRI 4 weeks later to see how the tumor responded and if it shrank. Then they can see what other options they may have as far as trials that he would qualify for.
I have updated the information to reflect the situation currently. Colt had returned to work at the end of January 2020 when Tyson was doing better. He is the only income provider for the family. He went on unpaid medical leave on May 15 so he and Maggie both can stay home to take care of Tyson and his little sister, Averie. Not only for medical but to spend as much time with Tyson as they can. This is a critical situation and he is fighting for his life over the next few months or hopefully longer. For people who do not know about this form of cancer, DIPG is terminal and has a 0% survival rate. Radiation is used to really try to shrink these tumors and buy families as much time as possible. There is no cure yet.
Anyone that knows Tyson, knows that he is a fighter. Here is a little history on Tyson for those that may not be aware of his situation. When he was around 6 months old, he was diagnosed with left middle cerebral artery stroke, right hemiparesis, perinatal arterial ischemic stroke, and symptomatic epilepsy. Tyson, Maggie, and Colt have been through so much in his short 3 years. I can't even begin to explain how much they love their 2 kids. They dote on them and have done everything they can to get Tyson all of the help he has needed over the past 3 ½ years. They have always been there for everyone, anytime someone needed help.
I want to continue to try to help them as they begin yet another continuing battle with this horrible cancer. We all want to help them so that they can spend all the time with Tyson as they can. They need to make memories with Tyson and Averie as a family. Most of us have years to create these memories, but they don't have that guarantee. They will have expenses that I hope to help lessen the burden. The last thing they need to worry about is expenses. They need to focus on Tyson. Please if you can help by making a donation, it is so appreciated! If you can't donate, we appreciate any prayers for Tyson that we can get! Please help me share his story. Thank you to everyone that has supported Colt, Maggie, Tyson, and Averie over the last 10 months! You do not know just how much that support has meant to the whole family. I will continue to post updates and will do them more frequently to keep everyone up-to-date on his treatment. He also has a Facebook page that I will post below for anyone that would like to follow his story. Maggie posts lots of pics and videos on there. Again, thank you all so much!
Please follow Tyson on his Facebook page:
Donations can also be sent to the family’s Paypal or Venmo at:
Paypal: [email redacted]
Venmo: @colt-waid
For more information on where to send care packages or gift cards, send a text to either Maggie at [phone redacted] or Amy at [phone redacted]
There is a Norwex party hosted by Tyson’s aunt, Jessie (all proceeds go to the family) at: www.jessiefreeman.norwex.biz
An account has been set up at Regions Bank under Colt & Maggie Waid for Team Tyson for anyone that would like to make a donation that way as well.
Organiser and beneficiary
Amy Williams Lowery
Rome, GA
Maggie Williams Waid