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Team Xyan

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On feburary 24th, Xyan was in a seriously bad 4wheeler accident. The bike flipped while going fast around a curve. Dont know the full story how many times him and the bike flipped but it landed on him. When I got the 3way call they had him in the ambulance hooking up the vent down his throat. 5 minutes from my house as I was getting there the helicopter landed to transport him. He suffered from a DAI trauma injury to the brain. Shortly later they found that his spleen was bleeding, they went in and fixed that. He was in a coma and three days later they pulled the vent out and was breathing on his own. The next day he was moved to his own room only with a feeding tube through his nose and IV. Now he's finally eating solid foods. He will have to relearn how to walk, and talk. We dont know yet if or how much he can read, remember, and the list goes on. He'll be moved to a rehabilitation facility in new Orleans hopefully today or tomorrow so he'll be retrained by the best qualified people. Xyan was a normal smart 17yr old boy with plans for his future wanting to go into the services. He was in his junior year at Dutchtown with 3 yrs on his belt in ROTC and the physical therapy captain for their team. He had goals for his life, and in an instant it was taken away. We are and so many around the world are praying for him and has been since the beginning for a full recovery. But it will take time and alot of work for him. Ya always here victims from things like this say, "you really dont know until it happens to you". Well, that couldn't ever be said more true. Your world just stops in a blink of an eye. Work, hunting, fishing, all the things you do or dont like to do just cease to exists, especially knowing the smart well mannered young man with goals in his life you've raised him to become and worked so hard at through patience and love. So now we're about to start a new chapter in our lives, one, that me and his mama and many others would have never thought that could happen to us. Please, keep us in your prayers, because we believe that God has a bigger plan than the one he had before.  Jade also had back surgery 6 weeks ago and has not been able to return to work yet. Bambi will not be able to work during this time because she will be staying in New Orleans with Xyan. This family will need all the help that they can get for medical bills and for going back and forth to New Orleans weekly.  I pray that you would find it in your heart to donate something. Every little bit will help. This will be a long process, but with God, family and friends they will make it!❤️❤️❤️


  • Nicole/Karen Gordon
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jennifer Ricouard Moran
Prairieville, LA
Jade Letulle

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