I’m raising money for a coworker. Senior Correctional Police Officer Chris Stanek was rushed to Inspira hospital in Vineland NJ on 5-20-20. Once at the hospital the doctors knew immediately it was COVID 19.
Less than 24 hours later he was transferred to another hospital that was more prepared to handle Chris. At this point Chris was already in critical condition with complications from Covid 19.
Its been a rough road for Chris and his family.
There has been some good days and some very bad days. Some days have been terrifying for his wife Jean. Chris has been in ICU for almost a month. He’s a fighter and is slowly getting better every day.
Chris has always been involved in some way or another in public service. He has served off and on with the rescue squad ( EMS )since 1992.
He became a state of NJ employee in 1999 and became a Correctional Police Officer in 2003.
Chris was always willing to help anyone out. I guess you can say it’s in his DNA.
Whether it was a sense of duty or dedication to his family, he always found a way to make life better for someone.
Chris and his wife Jean were married in 2004.
He’s a stepdad to three children and a Grandpop to six grandchildren.
The Stanek family has been through a lot and have a very long road in front of them.
Being out of work is sure to cause many financial hardships for this family.
Please consider donating, no matter how small or big, to the Stanek family. This battle with COVID 19 is far from being over.
Thank you