Save Gizmo
This is an urgent appeal for help! Gizmo is a small local children and young people's Charity that was founded twelve years ago to provide essential services to some of the area's most vulnerable young residents of Hastings and St. Leonards. It is a multiple award winning project that can boast a 95% success rate of deterring them from engaging in anti-social behaviour, crime and involvement in drug taking and alcohol through positive activities and interventions on the area where this is rife. Most of the young people involved have gone on to further education, training and now have employment.
The young people are involved in over thirty community performances are involved in many fund-raising events for other charities. We have unfortunately found ourselves in the position of pending closure due to lack of funding and the imposition of Business Rates even though Gizmo is a Charity and many businesses in the area are exempt.
Please help us to stop this from happening. Gizmo has become a very important part of the local childrens lives and to see it close would have a negative impact on the community and themselves.
Many thanks for listening to this tale of woe and, in advance for your help.