Tejeda Family Funeral cost
Donation protected
Nunca pensamos, nunca podríamos haber sabido que este momento llegaría tan pronto. Hoy estamos pidiendo ayuda, estamos pidiendo donaciones. El 7 de abril fuimos llamados por un grupo terrorista en México que nos había dicho que tenían a mi tío y a mi tía como rehenes. La familia había hecho toda la petición de este grupo, y las esperanzas estaban vivas para el regreso seguro. El 11 de abril, nosotros como familia recibimos la trágica noticia de que sus vidas fueron tomadas. Mis tíos eran personas compasivas, trabajadoras y felices que amaban mucho a sus hijos. Dejaron atrás 3 hijos, Fernando, Alejandra y Gerardo. Estamos tratando de ayudar a traer a mis tíos y tías de vuelta a casa, queremos darle a mis tíos y tías el entierro y la recepción apropiados que se merecen. Si puedes encontrarlo en tu corazón para ayudar o simplemente compartir la publicación, cualquier cosa será muy apreciada.
We never thought, we never could have known that this moment would come so soon. Today we are asking for help, we are asking for donations. On April 7th we were called by a terrorist group in Mexico that had told us that they had my uncle and aunt hostage. The family had done all the request of these group, and hopes were alive for their safe return. On April 11th, we as a family received the tragic news that their lives were taken. My aunt and uncle were compassionate, hardworking and happy people who loved their children very much. They left behind 3 children, Fernando, Alejandra and Gerardo. We are trying to help bring my uncle and aunt back home, we want to give my uncle and aunt the proper burial and reception that they deserve. If you can find it in your heart to help or just share the post, anything will be greatly appreciated.
We never thought, we never could have known that this moment would come so soon. Today we are asking for help, we are asking for donations. On April 7th we were called by a terrorist group in Mexico that had told us that they had my uncle and aunt hostage. The family had done all the request of these group, and hopes were alive for their safe return. On April 11th, we as a family received the tragic news that their lives were taken. My aunt and uncle were compassionate, hardworking and happy people who loved their children very much. They left behind 3 children, Fernando, Alejandra and Gerardo. We are trying to help bring my uncle and aunt back home, we want to give my uncle and aunt the proper burial and reception that they deserve. If you can find it in your heart to help or just share the post, anything will be greatly appreciated.
Rosa Mendez
Yakima, WA