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Alright so I’m sitting here saying to myself how can I make a difference in someone’s misfortune during these crazy times we live in today.
While driving the other day north up 31 in my home town of Elgin Illinois I happened to glance to my right . To my surprise I saw make shift tents out of tarps and sheets and blankets. I saw dozens of them scattered out thru the small wood lot along the banks of the fox river.
These people adults children elderly are all homeless and all the shelters are shut down due to COVID.
It’s been bothering me for a few days now as I sit and think what can I do as a single person to help these people in such times of need in my own backyard.
With super cold weather rolling in I can’t bear to think of the kids out there freezing and starving over the holidays .
I did see they were gathering brush and limbs to build bonfires, in an attempt to break the harsh winds. they’ve set up tarps to try and block its approach to the area.
I’m gonna start gathering firewood to deliver to them as well as any food I can get my hands on. I can’t stand to know these people and children are so close to me as I eat 3 meals a day and they have nothing.
Now I know I’m not gonna solve the homeless issue all by myself, but what if we as friends, family, acquaintances, all chipped in just a little imagine the impact we could make in someone’s future.
If any of you are seriously touched by this and are willing to help me move forward with this please reach out to me .
Thank you for reading this to the end.
While driving the other day north up 31 in my home town of Elgin Illinois I happened to glance to my right . To my surprise I saw make shift tents out of tarps and sheets and blankets. I saw dozens of them scattered out thru the small wood lot along the banks of the fox river.
These people adults children elderly are all homeless and all the shelters are shut down due to COVID.
It’s been bothering me for a few days now as I sit and think what can I do as a single person to help these people in such times of need in my own backyard.
With super cold weather rolling in I can’t bear to think of the kids out there freezing and starving over the holidays .
I did see they were gathering brush and limbs to build bonfires, in an attempt to break the harsh winds. they’ve set up tarps to try and block its approach to the area.
I’m gonna start gathering firewood to deliver to them as well as any food I can get my hands on. I can’t stand to know these people and children are so close to me as I eat 3 meals a day and they have nothing.
Now I know I’m not gonna solve the homeless issue all by myself, but what if we as friends, family, acquaintances, all chipped in just a little imagine the impact we could make in someone’s future.
If any of you are seriously touched by this and are willing to help me move forward with this please reach out to me .
Thank you for reading this to the end.
Richard Music
Elgin, IL