Teresa Green Recovery Fund
After years of chronic pain that became intolerable this summer, I was diagnosed with a mass on one ovary. I will be having surgery on Tuesday, September 22, and will find out then whether the growth is cancerous. If it is, there will be chemotherapy and the accompanying fatigue and other symptoms.
I am self-employed, and the sole breadwinner in our family. My husband has health issues himself, and I do most of the errands and help him due to his mobility issues that make any walking extremely difficult.
Now that I am having surgery, in addition to having no income for about 2 months while I recover, my savings were wiped out paying medical bills until I met my deductible. I still have extra expenses for my out-of-pocket expenses, extra supplements to improve my health, and buying foods and other products that are convenient enough for my husband to be able to manage the household for both of us. We may need to hire help for housekeeping, cooking, or transportation for a few weeks while I recover.
After my surgery, I expect to need further natural products and physical therapy because of other health issues due to a car accident in my teens that will make my recovery from surgery more complicated than normal.
My friends and family have been wonderful. I’m hoping this Gofundme will allow me to get back on my feet and care for my husband as well as my patients in my acupuncture practice.